- Sacramento, CA
- 6h behind - holt.courses
- @holtbt
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intermediate-react-v6 Public
Intermediate React, as taught for Frontend Masters. The sixth iteration of the course
irv6-project Public
The student project app for Brian Holt's Intermediate React v6
rag-on-azure Public
Demo for RAG'ing on Azure talk
complete-intro-to-sqlite Public
The Complete Intro to SQLite as taught on Frontend Masters
complete-intro-to-web-dev-v3 Public
The Complete Intro to Web Dev v3, as taught on Frontend Masters
The Complete Intro to Containers version 2 as taught on Frontend Masters
nextjs-neon-vercel Public
Testing preview environments w/ Next.js, Neon, and Vercel
next-course-starter Public template
Starter kit for making courses for Frontend Masters
complete-intro-to-react-v9 Public
The Complete Intro to React v9 as taught for Frontend Masters by Brian Holt
citr-v9-project Public
The student project app for Brian Holt's Complete Intro to React v9
complete-intro-to-react-v8 Public
The Complete Intro to React, as taught by Brian Holt on Frontend Masters
redis-to-postgres Public
Write Redis to Postgres
sqlite-app-litefs Public
The student project app for Brian Holt's Complete Intro to SQLite using LiteFS
sqlite-app Public
The student project app for Brian Holt's Complete Intro to SQLite
citr-v8-project Public
Steps for the project for the Complete Intro to React v8 and Intermediate React v5
complete-intro-to-containers Public
The Complete Intro to Containers! As taught on Frontend Masters.
🐧 The Complete Intro to Linux and the Command Line, as taught for Frontend Masters
Project files for the Complete Intro to Containers v2 as taught for Frontend Masters
realtime-exercises Public
Exercises for the Complete Intro to Realtime as taught for Frontend Masters
Complete Intro to Computer Science, as taught by Brian Holt for Frontend Masters
pull-requests Public
A sample repo for the Intro to Web Dev course for Frontend Masters
project-fox-game-site Public
A brief course where we use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to make a digital pet staring our little fox friend.