is a very fast and opinionated zsh prompt. It works for me. Maybe it
works for you. The weirdest and most excellent thing it does is dispatching git status
as an async job and rerendering the prompt with a spinner until it
completes, then resolving the indicator to magenta (dirty) or green (clean).
This lets you have git dirty/clean information in your prompt even in a huge repo without your prompt taking longer to generate (it takes 5ms for me in our largest repository).
The spinner assumes you're using a terminal with true color support because, come on, it's 2024, what the hell, Apple.
Using zprompt
is a little weird because of this async job thing.
First off, it expects three environment variables:
- exit status of the last commandSHELL_PID
- pid of the shell rendering the promptPS1_EXEC_NO
- a number that changes each time a new prompt is generated
We use precmd_functions
to set up PS1_EXEC_NO
. The async rerender is handled
by sending SIGALRM
to the shell, which we handle and run zle reset-prompt
redraw the prompt. You don't really have to understand this, just paste this
into your ~/.zshrc
PROMPT='$(PS1_EXEC_NO=$__ps1_exec_no EXIT_STATUS=$? SHELL_PID=$$ zprompt)'
function __ps1_exec_incr() {
if [[ -n "$WIDGET" ]]; then
zle reset-prompt
has a handful of widgets. The default configuration (zprompt "%W%X%s%a%r%n%y %e%P%j "
) is what I use, but you can assemble them in whichever
way you like. You can probably call zprompt multiple times per prompt with
different format strings if you want, but I would really strongly recommend
against having %a
multiple times per prompt!
(path): last component of current working directory (with a grey background if there is an active shadowenv)%W
(world_path): Shopify monorepo pretty-printed path.%X
(space_if_git): a single space character, if currently in a git repo%s
(stash): a superscript character indictating the number of git stash entries, if any%a
(async_data): async git status (just a color code applied to the next element)%r
(ref_inf): git ref - branch name or SHA. Uncolored, assumed to be colored by async_data%n
(pending): visual indicator for any in-progress cherry-pick merge, bisect, or rebase operations.%y
(sync): single character indicating if branch is out of sync with remote (or status is unknown)%e
(exit): exit code in red if last command was unsuccessful%P
(prompt): prompt char. % normally, # if root%j
(jobs): number of running jobs (you'll see this if you Ctrl-Z something)