- Westport, Ontario, Canada
- https://burke.libbey.me
burke / rb-kqueue
Forked from mat813/rb-kqueueAn FFI wrapper for kqueue
burke / mousetrap
Forked from ccampbell/mousetrapSimple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
burke / tlattr_accessors
Forked from schoefmann/tlattr_accessorsThread-local accessors for your classes
burke / multi_db
Forked from schoefmann/multi_dbConnection proxy for ActiveRecord for single master / multiple slave database deployments
burke / stream-spec
Forked from dominictarr/stream-specexecutable specification for Stream (make testing streams easy)
burke / em-http-request
Forked from igrigorik/em-http-requestAsynchronous HTTP Client (EventMachine + Ruby)
burke / redis-rb
Forked from redis/redis-rbA ruby client library for the redis key value storage engine
burke / eventmachine
Forked from eventmachine/eventmachineEventMachine: fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs
burke / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
burke / activewarehouse
Forked from PRX/activewarehouseActiveWarehouse for Rails - Implement data warehouses with Rails
burke / churn
Forked from danmayer/churnProviding additional churn metrics over the original metric_fu churn
burke / redcarpet
Forked from vmg/redcarpetThe safe Markdown parser, reloaded.
burke / ruby-style-guide
Forked from rubocop/ruby-style-guideA totally unofficial Ruby coding style guide
burke / webby
Forked from segfault/webbyA lightweight and flexible website management system.
burke / paper_trail
Forked from paper-trail-gem/paper_trailTrack changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.
burke / abbot
Forked from sproutcore/abbotSproutCore 1.4, 1.5 Build Tools
burke / mustache_wax
Forked from ssoroka/mustache_waxAutomatically compiles .mustache view files to /javascripts/mustache_templates.js
burke / jquerytools
Forked from jquerytools/jquerytoolsThe missing UI library for the Web
burke / show_for
Forked from heartcombo/show_forWrap your objects with a helper to easily show them