Find your GitHub Actions usage across a given organisation or user account.
Example console output for the inlets OSS repos
Includes total runtime of all workflow runs and workflow jobs, including where the jobs were run within inclusive, free, billed minutes, or on self-hosted runners.
This data is not available within a single endpoint in GitHub's REST or GraphQL APIs, so many different API calls are necessary to build up the usage statistics.
repos = ListRepos(organisation || user)
for each Repo
for each WorkflowRun
jobs = ListWorkflowJobs(WorkflowRun)
If your team has hundreds of repositories, or thousands of builds per month, then the tool may exit early due to exceeding the API rate-limit. In this case, we suggest you run with --days=10
and multiply the value by 3 to get a rough picture of 30-day usage.
This tool is primarily designed for use with an organisation, however you can also use it with a regular user account by changing the --org
flag to --user
Or create a Classic Token with: repo and admin:org and save it to ~/pat.txt. Create a short lived duration for good measure.
We recommend using arkade to install this CLI, however you can also download a binary from the releases page.
# sudo is optional for this step
curl -SLs | sudo sh
arkade get actions-usage
sudo mv $HOME/.arkade/bin/actions-usage /usr/local/bin/
We sometimes ask users to run this tool before a call with the actuated team. It helps us gauge your usage, find potential wins and recommend a plan/server.
actions-usage \
--by-repo \
--punch-card \
--org openfaas \
--token-file ~/pat.txt \
--days 28
If you have either a large or a busy repo - you may want to run with --days 14
or --days 7
once your rate limit has reset.
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat ~/pat.txt)"\
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
If you're still unable to get the tool to run within your rate-limit, even with 7 days of data, the billing summary from your organisation for actions minutes and what plan you're on could also work, but is quite coarse in comparison.
Example output:
Usage report generated by self-actuated/actions-usage.
Total repos: 44
Total private repos: 0
Total public repos: 44
Total workflow runs: 128
Total workflow jobs: 173
Total users: 4
Longest build: 13m50s
Average build time: 2m55s
Total usage: 8h24m21s (504 mins)
You can also run the tool against your personal account:
actions-usage --user alexellis --token-file ~/pat.txt
Get a punch-card of which days have the most commits by adding the -punch-card
Day Builds
Monday 7
Tuesday 22
Wednesday 43
Thursday 49
Friday 19
Saturday 4
Sunday 12
Total 156
You can use the -by-repo
flag to get a detailed breakdown of usage by GitHub repository - sorted by number of builds.
Longest build: 4h12m40s
Average build time: 2m37s
Repo Builds Success Failure Cancelled Skipped Total Average Longest
actuated-samples/k3sup-matrix-test 144 140 1 3 0 1h31m33s 38s 2m0s
actuated-samples/specs 36 25 0 11 0 6m15s 10s 25s
actuated-samples/minty 24 6 18 0 0 2m32s 6s 10s
actuated-samples/debug-ssh 17 12 1 4 0 9h12m33s 32m30s 4h12m40s
actuated-samples/matrix-build 14 14 0 0 0 31s 2s 4s
actuated-samples/dns 9 3 0 6 0 40s 4s 18s
actuated-samples/ebpf 5 2 3 0 0 39s 8s 9s
actuated-samples/cilium-test 4 1 3 0 0 9m16s 2m19s 6m49s
actuated-samples/openfaas-helm 4 2 2 0 0 3m42s 56s 1m54s
actuated-samples/ivan-ssl 3 3 0 0 0 13s 4s 5s
actuated-samples/kind-tester 1 0 1 0 0 14m56s 14m56s 14m56s
actuated-samples/kernel-builder-linux-6.0 1 1 0 0 0 1m16s 1m16s 1m16s
Total usage: 11h24m6s (684 mins)
All changes must be proposed with an Issue prior to working on them or sending a PR. Commits must have a sign-off message, i.e. git commit -s
git clone
cd actions-usage
go run . --org actuated-samples --token-file ~/pat.txt
This tool was created as part of actuated - secure, fast BYO runners for GitHub Actions. actuated is developed by OpenFaaS Ltd.
Within the dashboard, customers get built-in charts for overall usage on a GitHub organisation and a repo-level break down of passing/failing builds and total time spent in each.
Contributions are welcome, however an Issue must be raised and approved before submitting a PR.
For typos, raise an Issue and a contributor will fix this. It's easier for everyone that way.