This repository demonstrates how to use Bytebase and GitHub actions to do database release CI/CD with a code base following GitHub flow.
For GitHub flow, feature branches are merged into the main branch and the main branch is deployed to the, for example, "test" and "prod" environments in a deploy pipeline.
sql-review.yml checks the SQL migration files against the databases when pull requests are created.
release.yml builds the code and then for each environment migrate the databases and deploy the code. Using environments with protection rules, it can deploy to the test environment automatically and push to the prod environment after approval.
Copy sql-review.yml to your repository.
Modify the environment variables to match your setup.
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # set GITHUB_TOKEN because the 'Check release' step needs it to comment the pull request with check results.
BYTEBASE_PROJECT: "projects/project-sample"
BYTEBASE_TARGETS: "instances/test-sample-instance/databases/hr_test" # the database targets to check against.
FILE_PATTERN: "migrations/*.sql" # the glob pattern matching the migration files.
Set your service account password in the repository secrets setting with the name BYTEBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET
The migration filename should comply to the naming scheme described in bytebase/create-release-action.
Copy release.yml to your repository.
Modify the environment variables to match your setup.
BYTEBASE_PROJECT: "projects/project-sample"
# The Bytebase rollout pipeline will deploy to 'test' and 'prod' environments.
# 'deploy_to_test' job rollouts the 'test' stage and 'deploy_to_prod' job rollouts the 'prod' stage.
BYTEBASE_TARGETS: "instances/test-sample-instance/databases/hr_test,instances/prod-sample-instance/databases/hr_prod"
FILE_PATTERN: "migrations/*.sql" # the glob pattern matching the migration files.
In the repository environments setting, create two environments: "test" and "prod". In the "prod" environment setting, configure "Deployment protection rules", check "Required reviewers" and add reviewers in order to rollout the "prod" environment after approval.
Set your service account password in the repository secrets setting with the name BYTEBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET
The migration filename should comply to the naming scheme described in bytebase/create-release-action.