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248 lines (154 loc) · 16.8 KB

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248 lines (154 loc) · 16.8 KB


The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Initial support for Component Model async types stream, future, and error-context.
  • Initial support for JSON serialization of WIT list, enum, and record types.
  • wasm-tools is now vendored as a WebAssembly module, executed using Wazero. This allows package wit and wit-bindgen-go to run on any supported platform without needing to separately install wasm-tools.


  • Breaking: generated *.wasm.go files will now have correct WIT kebab-case base name. Interfaces or worlds with - in their name will require removal of the previous *.wasm.go files.
  • Breaking: upgraded to wasm-tools v1.226.0, which removes support for multiple return values and flags with > 32 values. To ease migration, this package will continue to support JSON generated by wasm-tools v1.225.0 and earlier.
  • Dropped support for TinyGo v0.32.0.


  • #281: errors from internal wasm-tools calls are no longer silently ignored. This required fixing a number of related issues, including synthetic world packages for Component Model metadata generation, WIT generation, and WIT keyword escaping in WIT package or interface names.
  • #284: do not use bool for variant or result GC shapes. TinyGo returns result and variant values with bool as 0 or 1, which breaks the memory representation of tagged unions (variants).
  • #288: correctly report the wasm32 ABI alignment of list<T> as 4, rather than 8.

v0.5.0 — 2024-12-14


  • Breaking: package cm is now a separate module. This change was made in order to minimize the runtime dependencies of programs that depend on package cm but not the rest of the packages in this module. To update your code that depends on package cm, run go get -u


  • #264: fix lowering for imported functions that return named bool types.

v0.4.1 — 2024-12-09


  • wit-bindgen-go wit now accepts an --interface argument in the form of monotonic-clock, wasi:clocks/monotonic-clock, or wasi:clocks/monotonic-clock@0.2.0. This filters the serialized WIT to a specific interface and the other interface(s) it references. This can be used to generate focused WIT with a minimal set of dependencies, and can be combined with the --world argument to filter serialized WIT to the intersection of a specific world and interface.


  • Breaking: package wit no longer interprets - to read from stdin when loading JSON or WIT using wit.LoadJSON or wit.LoadWIT. Use wit.DecodeJSON or wit.DecodeWIT to read JSON or WIT from an io.Reader.
  • Breaking: wit.ParseWIT has been removed. Use wit.DecodeWIT(bytes.NewReader(b)) instead.


  • #240: correctly handle cyclical data structures when generating variant lowering code.

v0.4.0 — 2024-11-05

This module has been renamed. Going forward, please use instead of

v0.3.1 — 2024-11-01


  • wit-bindgen-go now accepts arguments that control the level of logging output on stderr. Verbose mode (-v or --verbose) will print informational log lines, warnings, and errors. Debug mode (-vv or --debug) will emit finer-grained debugging information. By default, wit-bindgen-go will print warnings or errors.
  • New method (cm.Result).Result() (ok OK, err Err, isErr bool) added to streamline common patterns using result types. It has a value receiver, allowing it to be chained off a function call that returns a Result, eliminating the need to declare a temporary variable. For example: stream, err, isErr := stream.BlockingRead(n)


  • #215: generate variant accessor methods with the correct scope for Go names.

New Contributors

v0.3.0 — 2024-10-11


  • Go type aliases are now generated for each WIT type alias (type foo = bar). Deep chains of type aliases (type b = a; type c = b;) are fully supported. Generated documentation now reflects whether a type is an alias. Fixes #204.
  • go:wasmimport and go:wasmexport functions are now generated in a separate .wasm.go file. This helps enable testing or use of generated packages outside of WebAssembly.
  • wit-bindgen-go generate now generates a WIT file for each WIT world in its corresponding Go package directory. For example the wasi:http/proxy world would generate wasi/http/proxy/proxy.wit.
  • wit-bindgen-go wit now accepts a --world argument in the form of imports, wasi:clocks/imports, or wasi:clocks/imports@0.2.0. This filters the serialized WIT to a specific world and interfaces it references. This can be used to generate focused WIT for a specific world with a minimal set of dependencies.


  • Method wit.(*Package).WIT() now interprets the non-empty string name argument as signal to render in single-file, multi-package braced form.
  • wit.(*Resolve).WIT() and wit.(*Package).WIT() now accept a *wit.World as context to filter serialized WIT to a specific world.
  • Packages are now sorted topologically by dependency in generated WIT files. For example, wasi:cli would be followed by its dependencies like wasi:io, wasi:filesystem, or wasi:random.

v0.2.4 — 2024-10-06


v0.2.3 — 2024-10-05


  • wit-bindgen-go generate now accepts a remote registry reference to pull down a WIT package and generate the Go code. Example: wit-bindgen-go generate


  • cm.List now stores list length as a uintptr, permitted by the Go wasm types proposal. It was previously a uint, which was removed from the list of permitted types. There should be no change in the memory layout in TinyGo GOARCH=wasm or Go GOARCH=wasm32 using 32-bit pointers.
  • The helper functions cm.NewList, cm.LiftList, and cm.LiftString now accept any integer type for len, defined as cm.AnyInteger.
  • cm.Option[T].Value() method now value receiver (not pointer receiver), so it can be chained.

v0.2.2 — 2024-10-03


  • All struct types in package cm now include structs.HostLayout on Go 1.23 or later.
  • Added type constraints AnyList, AnyResult, and AnyVariant in package cm to constrain generic functions accepting any of those types.
  • Variant types now implement fmt.Stringer, with a String method. Breaking: variant cases named string map to String_ in Go.
  • cm.Option[T] types now have a Value() convenience method that returns the zero value for T if the option represents the none case. For example, this simplifies getting an empty string or slice from option<string> or option<list<T>>, respectively.
  • Added a release workflow to publish tagged releases to GitHub.


  • wit-bindgen-go --version now displays the version without empty ().

v0.2.1 — 2024-09-26


  • Generated structs and structs in package cm now include a HostLayout field in order to conform with the relaxed types proposal for GOARCH=wasm32. The cm.HostLayout type is an alias for structs.HostLayout on Go 1.23 or later, and a polyfill for Go 1.22 or earlier.
  • #163: added cm.F32ToU64() and cm.U64ToF32() for flattening f32 and u64 types in the Canonical ABI.
  • Test data from bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen/tests/codegen.


  • #159: correctly escape all WIT keywords, including when used in package names.
  • #160: fixed the use of Go reserved keywords in function returns as result types.
  • #161: correctly handle constructor as a WIT keyword in wit.
  • #165: fixed use of imported types in exported functions.
  • #167: fixed a logic flaw in TestHasBorrow.
  • #170: resolve implied names for interface imports and exports in a world.
  • #175: generated correct symbol names for imported and exported functions in worlds ($root) or interfaces declared inline in worlds.

v0.2.0 — 2024-09-05

This project has moved! wasm-tools-go is now an official Bytecode Alliance project.

Going forward, please update your Go imports from to Thanks to @ricochet, @mossaka, @lxfontes, and others for their help making this possible.



  • #151: backport support for JSON generated by wasm-tools prior to v1.209.0, which added @since and @unstable feature gates.

v0.1.5 — 2024-08-23


  • wit-bindgen-go --version now reports the module version and git revision of the wit-bindgen-go command.


v0.1.4 — 2024-07-16


  • wit-bindgen-go generate now accepts a --cm option to specify the Go import path to package cm. Used for custom or internal implementations of package cm. Defaults to
  • Tuple9...Tuple16 types in package cm to align with component-model#373. Tuples with 9 to 16 types will no longer generate inline struct types.
  • Documentation for Canonical ABI lift and lower helper functions in package cm.


  • Removed outdated documentation in design.

v0.1.3 — 2024-07-08



  • #130: anonymous tuple types now correctly have exported Go struct fields.
  • #129: correctly handle zero-length tuple and record types, represented as struct{}.

v0.1.2 — 2024-07-05


  • Canonical ABI lifting code for flags and variant types.
  • Lifting code for result and variant will now panic if caller passes an invalid case.
  • Additional test coverage for variant and flags cases.


  • Package cm: Removed unused functions Reinterpret2, LowerResult, LowerBool, BoolToU64, S64ToF64.
  • Package cm: Removed unused experimental flags implementation behind a build tag.


  • Lifting code for result with no error type will now correctly set IsErr.

v0.1.1 — 2024-07-04

This release changes the memory layout of variant and result types to permit passing these types on the stack safely. This required breaking changes to package cm, detailed below, as well as slightly more verbose type signatures for WIT functions that return a typed result.

Breaking Changes

  • Type cm.Result is now cm.BoolResult.
  • Types cm.OKResult and cm.ErrResult have been removed, replaced with a more generalized cm.Result[Shape, OK, Err] type.


  • WIT labels with uppercase acronyms or initialisms are now preserved in Go form. For example, the WIT name time-EOD will result in the Go name TimeEOD.
  • OK is now a predefined initialism. For example, the WIT name state-ok would previously translate into the Go name StateOk instead of the idiomatic StateOK.


  • #95: wit-bindgen-go now correctly generates packed data shape types for variant and result types.
  • Fixed swapped Shape and Align type parameters in the functions cm.New and cm.Case for manipulating variant types.
  • Variant validation now correctly reports variant instead of result in panic messages.

v0.1.0 — 2024-07-04

Initial version, supporting TinyGo + WASI 0.2 (WASI Preview 2).

Known Issues

  • #95: variant and result types without fully-packed data shape types will not correctly represent all associated types.
  • #111: flags types with > 32 labels are not correctly supported. See component-model#370 and wasm-tools#1635 for more information.
  • #118: Canonial ABI post-return functions to clean up allocations are not currently generated.
  • Because Go does not have a native tagged union type, pointers represented in variant and result types may not be visible to the garbage collector and may be freed while still in use.
  • Support for mainline Go.