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tangaiyun / full_stack_coder
Forked from cbamls/AI_TutorialJava后端面试资料;Leetcode;后端研发资料;各大厂架构开发学习资源;精华机器学习,NLP,图像识别等人工智能领域学习资料,搜索,推荐,广告系统架构及算法技术资料整理
润学全球官方指定GITHUB,整理润学宗旨、纲领、理论和各类润之实例;解决为什么润,润去哪里,怎么润三大问题; 并成为新中国人的核心宗教,核心信念。
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for Go
Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go.
A curated list of privacy on blockchains resources
Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms
Mastering Bitcoin 3rd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
Specification for the Execution Layer. Tracking network upgrades.
Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Specifications
Modular, contributor-friendly and blazing-fast implementation of the Ethereum protocol, in Rust
⛓️ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨
Golang native implementation of the secp256k1 elliptic curve
这个仓库是由 Rebase 社区创建的,为区块链行业以及其他各行各业的企业和团队提供招聘信息披露机会,所有招聘信息都将在 Rebase 社区的所有媒体上进行发表。这都是免费的!
A curated list of multi party computation resources and links.
A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
Berty is a secure peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network