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Opentrons AI Frontend

JavaScript Style Guide


The Opentrons AI application helps you to create a protocol with natural language.


To get started:

  1. Clone the Opentrons/opentrons repository
  2. Read the contributing guide.
  3. Follow the for your platform.
# change into the cloned directory
cd opentrons

# prerequisite: install dependencies as specified in project setup
make setup

# if you have done the setup already, you can run the following instead of make setup
make teardown-js && make setup-js

# launch the dev server
make -C opentrons-ai-client dev


Auth0 requires consent in the local application.

Allow consent in the local application

Alter the authorizationParams in src/main.tsx, provide consent, then remove the change. Once you provide consent in the local application, you will not be prompted for consent again. The consent is stored in Auth0.

// src/main.tsx
          redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
          prompt: 'consent',
          audience: 'sandbox-ai-api',

Stack and structure

The UI stack is built using:

Some important directories:

Copy management

We use i18next for copy management and internationalization.


Tests for the Opentrons App are run from the top level along with all other JS project tests.

  • make test-js - Run all JavaScript tests

Test tasks can also be run with the following arguments:

Argument Default Description Example
watch false Run tests in watch mode make test-unit watch=true
cover !watch Calculate code coverage make test watch=true cover=true

Local development notes

  • constants.ts defines the AI API location and the Auth0 configuration.
  • main.tsx has the logic to use the appropriate constants based on the environment.
