- Pro
The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
💎 Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects
A vanilla JS customisable select box/text input plugin ⚡️
A+ animation module for the modern web
The power of webpack, distilled for the rest of us.
Everything you wish the HTML <select> element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component.
Fast and lightweight DOM diffing/patching (no virtual DOM needed)
karol-f / vue-custom-element
Forked from vuejs/vue-elementVue Custom Element - Web Components' Custom Elements for Vue.js
A better base for styling form elements with Tailwind CSS.
A renderless Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, compatible with SSR
Find descendants of a DOM node that are in the tab order
Chrome/Firefox DevTools extension for debugging Alpine.js applications.
Set nested properties on an object using dot-notation.
An escape hatch for DOM Elements in Vue.js components.
An extensible class to define hyperHTML based Custom Elements.
A script you include during development that shows the root, target, and intersection every time an IntersectionObserver is triggered.
Alpine.js plugin to add a typewriter effect to any HTML element.
Utilities for testing Alpine.js components
This extension support multi mix configration without overwriting the mix-manifest.json file