Target Value Animation | Animated Time Display |
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The FlipNumberView
is simulating an analog flip display (e.g. like those at the airport / train station). It's well abstracted and easy to use. The FlipImageView
let's you run a similar animation on any view, e.g. images. See the example project for working examples (You can run pod try JDFlipNumberView
to open the example project quickly.). Please open a Github issue, if you think anything is missing or wrong.
Not supported. (SPM doesn't yet support mixed-language targets.)
pod 'JDFlipNumberView'
all flip views, SwiftUI views & default imageset
To further limit what you depend on, use the following subpods. They don't include the default image bundle, thus they are much more lightweight. See Customization below for infos, on how to use your own images.
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/NoImageBundle'
, everything except the default image bundlepod 'JDFlipNumberView/NoImageBundle-NoSwiftUI'
, everything except the default image bundle & the SwiftUI views
Even more targeted:
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/Core'
, only theJDFlipNumberView
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/FlipImageView'
, only theJDFlipImageView
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/FlipClockView'
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/DateCountdownFlipView'
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/DefaultImageBundle'
, the default image bundle, as it's not included automatically in the other subpods
(For infos on cocoapods, have a look the cocoapods website)
- Add all files (or only the ones you want to) from
to your project - Add the
, if you want to use the default images
The library offers multiple Views (Swift/ObjC name):
- The Standard FlipNumberView. It shows an integer value as FlipView. It has a choosable amount of digits. Can be animated in any way described in this document.
- An Image View with flip animations. Use it like a regular UIImageView, but set new images animated via
- An Image View with flip animations. Use it like a regular UIImageView, but set new images animated via
- A date countdown. Create it with a target date and it will display an animated flipping countdown showing the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds until that date.
- A digital clock. Displays the current hour and minutes as animated flip views. Seconds can also be enabled. Always shows the current time.
- A UIView category that makes it possible to transition between any two views using a flip animation.
Display a 4-digit FlipNumberView
animating down once every second:
In SwiftUI:
struct SwiftExample: View {
@State var value = 1337
var body: some View {
FlipNumberView(value: $value, animationStyle: .interval(interval: 1.0, direction: .down))
.frame(height: 80)
In Objective-C + UIKit:
// create a new FlipNumberView, set a value, start an animation
JDFlipNumberView *flipNumberView = [[JDFlipNumberView alloc] initWithInitialValue: 1337];
[flipNumberView animateDownWithTimeInterval: 1.0];
// add to view hierarchy and resize
[self.view addSubview: flipNumberView];
[flipNumberView sizeToFit]; =;
That's it. This will display a working, flipping, animating countdown view!
See the example project for other examples.
In SwiftUI, see these:
public enum FlipNumberViewAnimationStyle {
/// no animation on value changes
case none
/// a single flip to a new value
case simple
/// flip one-by-one until the new value is reached
case continuous(duration: Double)
/// flip up or down once per given interval
case interval(interval: Double, direction: FlipNumberViewIntervalAnimationDirection)
For ObjC, see these:
- Simple - a single flip to a new value:
- (void)setValue:(NSInteger)newValue animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)animateToNextNumber;
- (void)animateToPreviousNumber;
- Continuous - flip one-by-one until the new value is reached:
- (void)animateToValue:(NSInteger)newValue duration:(CGFloat)duration;
- Interval - flip up or down once per given
- (void)animateUpWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval;
- (void)animateDownWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval;
A) Replace original images
Replace the images within the JDFlipNumberView.bundle
. (In the Finder just Rightclick > Show Contents
to see the images.)
When using Pods, make sure to use
pod 'JDFlipNumberView/Core'
, so the default bundle won't be copied. Just create a bundle namedJDFlipNumberView.bundle
in your project yourself.
B) Use multiple bundles
Add another graphics bundle to your project. A bundle is nothing else, than a regular folder, but named with .bundle
as extension. You need one image per digit. 0.png, 1.png, 2.png, etc.
See the next section on how to use multiple bundles.
To use your own bundles, use the imageBundle:
[[JDFlipNumberView alloc] initWithDigitCount:<#count#>
imageBundle:[JDFlipNumberViewImageBundle imageBundleNamed:@"<#imageBundleName#>"]];
[[JDDateCountdownFlipView alloc] initWithDayDigitCount:<#count#>
imageBundle:[JDFlipNumberViewImageBundle imageBundleNamed:@"<#imageBundleName#>"]];
FlipNumberView(value: <#valueBinding#>, imageBundle: JDFlipNumberViewImageBundle(named: "<#imageBundleName#>"))
Feel free to use the original .psd
file from the gfx
folder to create custom numbers.
I'm @calimarkus on Twitter. Maybe tweet, if you like JDFlipNumberView
I found "FlipClock-SwiftUI" by @elpassion - a fully native SwiftUI flip-clock. It could be a good starting point for a native swift rewrite. I'm playing around with it in a fork a bit: FlipNumberView-Swift.