zigpio Public
Forked from geo-ant/zigpioTrying go get some GPIO working using only Zig and no external C libraries
Zig MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2023 -
DecodeTTLV Public
Decode TTLV byte buffers used in the KMIP protocol
picamera2 Public
Forked from raspberrypi/picamera2New libcamera based python library
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 31, 2022 -
dbxcli Public
Forked from dropbox/dbxcliA command line client for Dropbox built using the Go SDK
Go Other UpdatedAug 9, 2021 -
vault-openvpn Public
Forked from Luzifer/vault-openvpnSmall wrapper utility to manage OpenVPN configuration combined with a Vault PKI
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
kubernetes Public
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesProduction-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 2, 2018 -
getopt-for-windows Public
Forked from Chunde/getopt-for-windowsgetopt.h and getopt.c are very often used in linux, to make it easy for windows user, two files were extracted from glibc
C UpdatedMar 1, 2017 -
playbot Public
Simple IRC bot created in Python, created for personal use, probably not much use for anything else.
PyKMIP Public
Forked from OpenKMIP/PyKMIPOpen source Python implementation of the KMIP 1.1 specification.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 14, 2015 -
stb Public
Forked from nothings/stbstb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
C UpdatedApr 8, 2015 -
cryptography Public
Forked from pyca/cryptographycryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.
Python Other UpdatedDec 17, 2014 -
Teamcity-unity3d-build-runner-plugin Public
Forked from mindcandy/Teamcity-unity3d-build-runner-pluginA Teamcity plugin for building Unity3d projects. NOTE: this has an MIT license so feel free to copy / adapt as you need to.
Java UpdatedAug 5, 2013 -