Livewire PowerGrid is a component for generating dynamic tables with your Laravel Models.
PowerGrid comes with a variety of out-of-the-box features:
✅ Searching & Filters
✅ Column Sorting
✅ Pagination
✅ Action checkboxes
✅ Action buttons
✅ Toggle button
✅ Click to edit
✅ Click to copy
✅ Link inside a table cell
✅ Livewire Modal Integration (Livewire UI)
✅ Data Export to XLSX/CSV (Spout)
✅ Works with Bootstrap 5 or Tailwind CSS 2
✅ Translations available for 🇺🇸 🇧🇷 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 and more to come...
Our documentation is available at
Tailwind table
Excel export
- Demo project created for a live at Beer and Code Youtube channel.
If you need any support, please check our Issues. You can ask questions or report problems there.
Claudio Pereira has written an excellent document in portuguese/Brazil language for all Brazilians who want to contribute.
Just click on this link to learn more =>
Created by: Luan Freitas