We provide security updates and patches for the following versions of this project. Ensuring your version is up to date is crucial for maintaining security, so please update as needed:
Version | Supported |
5.1.x | ✅ |
5.0.x | ❌ |
4.0.x | ✅ |
< 4.0 | ❌ |
We take security seriously and appreciate your help in keeping this project secure! To report a vulnerability:
Contact us via GitHub Security Advisory: Report a vulnerability. Alternatively, you can email us directly at
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Expected Response Time:
- Acknowledgment: Within 48 hours.
- Update Frequency: We will provide updates on the status of the report at least every two weeks until resolved.
Handling Process:
- If Accepted: We will work to address the vulnerability and may ask for additional details or clarifications as needed.
- If Declined: We will provide a clear reason for why the report is not being acted upon at this time.
Credit and Disclosure:
- We credit the researcher(s) who reported the issue unless they prefer to remain anonymous.
- For significant vulnerabilities, we will work with the reporter on a coordinated disclosure timeline to ensure users have time to update.
Thank you for helping make our project more secure for everyone!