npci-rss-feeds Public
RSS Feeds for various NPCI Circulars and Notifications.
plugo Public
Where in the world are Plugo's powerbanks.
microsoft-kb-metadata Public
A small automatically-updated subset of the Microsoft Knowledgebase metadata, useful for mapping KB IDs to Publication Dates or URLs
Python Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMar 11, 2025 -
india-isin-data Public
International Securities Identification Numbers for various Indian Securities
historical-mf-data Public
Historical Mutual Funds data
electron-fingerprints Public
Generates fingerprints for electron version detection by downloading electron releases and generating checksums of the files contained in each release.
news Public
Plain-Text India-focused News
debian-elts-advisories Public
Debian ELTS Security Advisories in OSV Format. Unofficial - not affiliated with Freexian.
photon-os-advisories Public
Publish VMWare Photon Advisories in OSV format, automatically synced. Unofficial - not affiliated with VMWare
google-sre-ebook Public
Google SRE Book Generator (EPUB/MOBI/PDF).
Tracking Total Expense Ratios of Indian Mutual Funds. Automatically updated daily.
apk-mitm-docker Public
apk-mitm, packaged as a docker image
mf.captnemo.in Public
Get information about Indian Mutual Funds from their ISIN numbers.
cosmere-books Public
Script to build EPUB/MOBI/PDF versions of various books by Brandon Sanderson
never-say-you-cant-survive Public
Script to generate an ebook for "Never Say You Can't Survive" - book by Charlie Jane Anders.
northwind Public
A simple website using the northwind dataset as a demo for jekyll-sqlite
tld-squatting Public
List of corporations squatting on entire TLDs.
ideas Public
🚀 Ideas for everyone under a CC licence. Feel free to use. I'll send you a postcard if you build anything on this list.
india-mutual-funds-info Public
Indian Mutual Funds information
mf-portfolio Public
Mutual Fund Portfolio Distribution Data (🚧)
stackshare-dataset Public
A dataset of popular tools and services powering various stacks.
codechef Public
Codechef Problems viewer with an offline copy of all practice problems from codechef
terraform-data-duo-ips Public
This module provides an updated list of Duo's public CIDRs. These are maintained against the Duo Documentation: https://help.duo.com/s/article/1337
boardgame-research Public
List of research around modern boardgames.