Extension for Docker Desktop. Allows to see what is available on containers.intersystems.com, and pull images. To access non-community images, supports authorization made by docker login
This project have not published in Docker Extensions Marketplace, yet. And it requires Docker Extensions SDK installed manually, to be able to install extensions not available on marketplace manually. Please follow the official instructions and install Docker Extensions SDK.
After installing SDK, docker command will be able to use new command
docker extension ls
And to install this extensions, just use this command
docker extension install caretdev/intersystems-extension:0.0.3
Or update alredy installed extension
docker extension update caretdev/intersystems-extension:0.0.3
And you can access to installed extension from Extensions list in Docker Desktop
There are a few options, that helps to filter the list of images available.
- Community, swiche between General version of IRIS and Community Edition
- ARM64, to see only ARM64 images
- Major versions only, filters to show only latest major versions (e.g. 2022, 2021, 2020)
To be able to see general versions of IRIS, please follow the instructions here regarding docker login
Docker Extension SDK is required. Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/caretdev/docker-intersystems-extension.git
cd docker-intersystems-extension
To build and install docker extension, use this command
make install-extension