Agregar inserts en:
mix ecto.setup
Ver playground en http://localhost:4000/graphiql
- Context: encapsulate domain logic
- DDD Domain Driven Design Eric Evans 2003: software pattern
mix phx.gen.html Identity User users name:string email:string
Context: Identity Model: User { name, email }
The controllers call Identity for CRUD operations
mix phx.gen.html Identity Car cars model:string
You add more models to the same context, and then see how identity.ex is updated with the new verbs instead of have model packages
- Only expose methods at their outer layer
- Contexts hide internal implementations
- Use domain language when naming actions, entities and concepts
What ahppens when we need to use a Use in a different context?
- Direct Usage: import the complete context module in the context required
- Struct Conversion: Useful for read-only
- Collaborator Schema: Create an internal schema persisted in Ecto that uses a reference to the external schema
We want the context for have this in the controllers:
|> Marketing.visitor_for_user()
|> Marketing.subscribe_visitor_to_mail()
Check how to parse structs and receive structs in the functions
defmodule Automax.Inpection_context do
def get_vehicle()
def get_vehicle_rating()
def get_vehicle_list_price()
defmodule Automax.Inpection_context do
def get_vehicle()
# => %Vehicle{ rating: %Rating{}, list_price: %ListPrice{}}
def update_rating( rating_id, new_rating1)...
def rate_vehicle( vehicle_id, new_rating1)...