This is a place to write notes from books, papers and courses as a learning diary.
- Absinthe Middleware
- Docker Network partition
- Doom Emacs
- Git
- Hammer Rate Limit Elixir
- Mnesia
- BEAM Monitoring
- Mox Testing
- Rabbit MQ
- Wombat
- Kafka
Visual Thinking
Writting Technical posts
- Software configuration management patters for effective teamwork
- Streamed lines: Branching patterns for parallel software development
- RCS a system for version control
- Learn you some erlang
- The BEAM book
- Adopting Erlang
- Happi hacking
- 10 Ways to Stop an Erlang VM
- Zen of Erlang
- Coursera Training
- Neural Networks with Erlang
- Genetic Algortihms
- LiveBooks ML Book
- Programming Machine Learning Book
Data viz
Knowledge management
- architecture docs post
- IcePanel tool
- Diataxis model
- Communication patterns book
- Pragmatic engineer: what's changed in 50 years
- Software architecting
- Martin Fowler Architecting
- Stripe engineering
Code Reviews