- 🎓 BSc. in Telematics Engineering
- 👨🏻💻 Fullstack Software Engineer. Passionate about JavaScript, React, Next, and Node.js
- 👨🏻🏫 Associate Professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- 🎬 EduTuber about Web Programming (+140,000 subs 🚀)
- 📙 Author of the following technical books:
- Aprendiendo JavaScript (2021)
- Aprendiendo React (2023)
- Dominando JavaScript (2024)
- 🟣 (Sometimes) Livecoder Streamer on Twitch
- 🏅 7x Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Web Technologies for 2019-24, and GDE in Firebase for 2024
- 🏆 3x Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for 2022-2025 in Developer Technologies
- Join to the PintaAPIs Developers Spanish Developer Community on Discord. We are 7,500+ members!