go-stepflow Go library provides the building blocks for managing long running external processes as follows:
- The process is described as a list of steps.
- The process running state is serialized after the execution of each step.
- One Go routine can fulfill the execution of multiple running processes(load previous state, execute next step, save new state).
It was designed originally to be used in conjunction with kubebuilder/controller-runtime to build Kubernetes controllers, but it has no dependencies to Kubernetes.
A continuous deployment pipeline step with the following structure may be implemented using the code snippets below.
- Trigger async actual state collection for a given application in a given environment.
- Wait for the async operation to complete
- Compare the desired state with the actual state. If change is required:
- Create an automated git pull request to the GitOps repository
- Wait for the automated pull request to be merged automatically.
- Wait for the GitOps agent(ie. ArgoCD) to successfully uptake the new change. Report back any deployment related events(ie. rolling upgrade details).
- Trigger post deployment async actual state collections.
- Wait for the async operation to complete.
- Validate the post deployment actual state.
func DeployStepFlow() (stepflow.StepFlow, err)
return stepflow.NewStepFlow("deploy/v1",
"getPreActualState", getActualState("preDeploy"),
"waitForPreActualState", stepflow.WaitFor(isGetActualStateCompleted("preDepoy"))
"deploy", stepflow.Case(shouldDeploy,
"createDeployRequest", createGitOpsVersionBump,
"waitForAcceptedDeployRequest", stepflow.WaitFor(isGitOpsVersionBumpAccepted),
"monitorDeploymentProgress", stepflow.WaitFor(isVersionLiveSuccessfully),
"getPostActualState", getActualState("postDeploy"),
"waitForPostActualState", stepflow.WaitFor(isGetActualStateCompleted("postDepoy"))
"validatePostDeployActualState", validatePostActuatState,
func createGitOpsVersionBump(ctx context.Context) error {
err := gitClient.CreatePullRequest(...)
return nil
flow, err := DeployStepFlow()
// Prepare execution context
applyCtx, err := setFlowApplyContext(ctx)
// Load previos state
previousState, err := getState(ctx)
// Execute workflow iteration
newState, err := flow.Apply(applyCtx, previousState)
// Save new state
err := saveState(newState)