Github asks me about these things do here goes ...
🔭 I’m currently working on Ignition and PlantApplications Quality Control implementation in a potato processing factory
🌱 I’m currently learning AI agentic frameworks
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on implementing AI in belgian or Dutch businesses
🤔 I’m looking for help with getting opensource AI solutions deployable in SME businesses
💬 Ask me about databases, web tech and software engineering , retail, ecommerce, financial markets and the future UBI
📫 How to reach me: find me on linkedin
😄 Pronouns: she, girlnerd
⚡ Fun fact: serial communications in ms access databases first in 1993 and then again in 2017 , who would have thought ...
This account started long time ago. the forks and stars represent stuff I found interesting over time or I actually worked with. It acts as github bookmarkmanager. maybe I find the time to cleanup and add some lists.