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Blazing fast library for fuzzy filtering, matching, and other fuzzy things!

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Blazing fast library for fuzzy filtering, matching, and other fuzzy things!



Zadeh is a blazing fast library for fuzzy filtering, matching, and other fuzzy things. Zadeh is a multi-threaded library written in C++ with the goal to search through a dataset with 1M entries in a few hundred milliseconds.


  • fuzzy filter through an array of candidates (ArrayFilterer and filter)
  • fuzzy filter through a nested tree-like objects (TreeFilterer and filterTree)
  • Special treatment for strings that have separators (space , hyphen -, underline_)
  • Special treatment for path-like strings (string separated by \ or //)
  • give an array of indices at which the query matches the given string (match)
  • score the given string against the given query (score)
  • give an HTML/Markdown string that highlights the range for which the match happens (wrap)
  • Allows setting the candidates only once using ArrayFilterer and TreeFilterer classes, and then, perform filter multiple times, which is much more efficient than calling the filter or filterTree functions directly every time.
  • Bindings for Nodejs (more to come)

Table of content


Usage from C++

This is a header only library. Include ./src/zadeh.h and build it in your application.


#include "../src/zadeh.h"  // include zadeh.h
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  // the data to fuzzy search on
  auto data = vector<string>{"eye", "why", "bi"};

  // setup ArrayFilterer
  auto arrayFilterer = zadeh::ArrayFilterer<vector<string>, string>{};

  // filter the indices that match the query
  auto filtered_indices = arrayFilterer.filter_indices("ye");

  // print the filtered data
  for (auto ind: filtered_indices) {
    cout << data[ind] << '\n';

Cmake file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)

project(example1 LANGUAGES CXX)
add_executable(example1 ./examples/example1.cpp)
target_compile_features(example1 PRIVATE cxx_std_17)


cmake -S . -B ./build && cmake --build ./build --config Debug

Usage from Nodejs


npm install zadeh

To import all the functions:

import * as zadeh from "zadeh"


const zadeh = require("zadeh")


ArrayFilterer is a class that allows to set the candidates only once and perform filtering on them multiple times. This is much more efficient than calling the filter function directly.

export class ArrayFilterer<T> {

  /** The method to set the candidates that are going to be filtered
   * @param candidates An array of tree objects.
   * @param dataKey (optional) if `candidates` is an array of objects, pass the key in the object which holds the data. dataKey can be the options object passed to `filter` method (but this is deprecated).
  setCandidates<T>(candidates: Array<T>, dataKey?: string): void

  /** The method to perform the filtering on the already set candidates
   *  @param query A string query to match each candidate against.
   *  @param options options
   *  @return returns an array of candidates sorted by best match against the query.
  filter(query: string, options: IFilterOptions<T>): Array<T>


const { ArrayFilterer } = require('zadeh')

const arrayFilterer = new ArrayFilterer()
arrayFilterer.setCandidates(['Call', 'Me', 'Maybe']) // set candidates only once
// call filter multiple times


filter(candidates, query, options = {})

Sort and filter the given candidates by matching them against the given query.

  • candidates - An array of strings or objects.
  • query - A string query to match each candidate against.
  • options options. You should provide a key in the options if an array of objects are passed.

Returns an array of candidates sorted by best match against the query.

const { filter } = require('zadeh')

// With an array of strings
let candidates = ['Call', 'Me', 'Maybe']
let results = filter(candidates, 'me')  // ['Me', 'Maybe']

// With an array of objects
candidates = [
  {name: 'Call', id: 1}
  {name: 'Me', id: 2}
  {name: 'Maybe', id: 3}
results = filter(candidates, 'me', {key: 'name'}) // [{name: 'Me', id: 2}, {name: 'Maybe', id: 3}]

Performance Note: use ArrayFilterer class if you call the filter function multiple times on a certain set of candidates. filter internally uses this class, however, in each call it sets the candidates from scratch which can slow down the process.


TreeFilterer is a class that allows to set the candidates only once and perform filtering on them multiple times. This is much more efficient than calling the filterTree function directly.

export class TreeFilterer<T> {

  /** The method to set the candidates that are going to be filtered
   * @param candidates An array of tree objects.
   * @param dataKey the key of the object (and its children) which holds the data (defaults to `"data"`)
   * @param childrenKey the key of the object (and its children) which hold the children (defaults to `"children"`)
  setCandidates<T>(candidates: Array<T>, dataKey?: string, childrenKey?: string): void

  /** The method to perform the filtering on the already set candidates
   *  @param query A string query to match each candidate against.
   *  @param options options
   *  @return An array of candidate objects in form of `{data, index, level}` sorted by best match against the query. Each objects has the address of the object in the tree using `index` and `level`.
  filter(query: string, options: IFilterOptions<object>): TreeFilterResult[]


const { TreeFilterer } = require('zadeh')

const arrayFilterer = new TreeFilterer()

const candidates = [
  {data: "bye1", children: [{data: "hello"}]},
  {data: "Bye2", children: [{data: "_bye4"}, {data: "hel"}]},
  {data: "eye"},
arrayFilterer.setCandidates(candidates, "data", "children") // set candidates only once

// call filter multiple times


filterTree(candidates, query, dataKey, childrenKey, options = {})

Sort and filter the given Tree candidates by matching them against the given query.

A tree object is an object in which each entry stores the data in its dataKey and it has (may have) some children (with a similar structure) in its childrenKey. See the following example.

  • candidates An array of tree objects.
  • query A string query to match each candidate against.
  • dataKey the key of the object (and its children) which holds the data
  • childrenKey the key of the object (and its children) which hold the children
  • options options
  • returns An array of candidate objects in form of {data, index, level} sorted by best match against the query. Each objects has the address of the object in the tree using index and level.
const { filterTree } = require("zadeh")

candidates = [
  { data: "bye1", children: [{ data: "hello" }] },
  { data: "Bye2", children: [{ data: "_bye4" }, { data: "hel" }] },
  { data: "eye" },

filterTree(candidates, "he", "data", "children") // [ { data: 'hel', index: 1, level: 1 },  { data: 'hello', index: 0, level: 1 }]

// With an array of objects (similar to providing `key` to `filter` function)
const candidates = [{ data: "helloworld" }, { data: "bye" }, { data: "hello" }]
results = filter(candidates, "hello", { key: "name" }) // [ { data: 'hello', index: 2, level: 0 }, { data: 'helloworld', index: 0, level: 0 } ]

Performance Note: use TreeFilterer class if you call the filterTree function multiple times on a certain set of candidates. filterTree internally uses this class, however, in each call it sets the candidates from scratch which can slow down the process.


score(string, query, options = {})

Score the given string against the given query.

  • string - The string the score.
  • query - The query to score the string against.
const { score } = require('zadeh')

score('Me', 'me')    # 0.17099999999999999
score('Maybe', 'me') # 0.0693


match(string, query, options = {})

Gives an array of indices at which the query matches the given string

const { match } = require("zadeh")

match("Hello World", "he") // [0, 1]
match("Hello World", "wor") // [6, 7, 8]
match("Hello World", "elwor") // [1, 2, 6, 7, 8]


wrap (string, query, options = {})

Gives an HTML/Markdown string that highlights the range for which the match happens

wrap("helloworld", "he")


wrap("Hello world", "he")

Hello world


In all the above functions, you can pass an optional object with the following keys

    /** only for `filter` function */
    /** The key to use when candidates is an object */
    key?: T extends string ? never : keyof T

    /** only for `filter` function */
    maxResults?: number

    /** @default false */
    allowErrors?: boolean

    /** @default true */
    usePathScoring?: boolean

    /** @default false */
    useExtensionBonus?: boolean

    pathSeparator?: '/' | '\\' | string

Comparison with other libraries

Zadeh vs fuzzaldrin and fuzzaldrin-plus

API is backward compatible with Fuzzaldrin and Fuzzaldrin-plus. Additional functions are provided to achieve better performance that could suit your needs

Zadeh achieves 10x-20x performance improvement over Fuzzaldrin plus for chromium project with 300K files. This high performance is achieved using the following techniques.

  • Uses native C++ bindings that provides ~4x performance benefit.
  • Use multiple threads to parallelize computation to achieve another ~4x performance benefit.
  • Some miscellaneous improvements provide additional benefit.

This project potentially solves the following Atom fuzzy-finder issues if used. atom/fuzzy-finder#271 and atom/fuzzy-finder#88


Blazing fast library for fuzzy filtering, matching, and other fuzzy things!






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  • C++ 50.1%
  • JavaScript 31.0%
  • TypeScript 12.8%
  • Python 5.7%
  • Other 0.4%