- Bangalore, India
- https://chanakyaekbote.netlify.app/
- Pro
This repo contains the code for the project Optimal UAV Placement and Communication.
coredns_ml_plugin Public
This repository is the result of my work on a project during GSoC 2020. The goal of the project was introducing the integration of machine learning capabilities with the CoreDNS server.
streamlit-example Public
Forked from streamlit/streamlit-exampleExample Streamlit app that you can fork to test out share.streamlit.io
Python UpdatedApr 29, 2022 -
sureshmurali.github.io Public
Forked from sureshmurali/sureshmurali.github.ioPersonal Portfolio built using React
JavaScript UpdatedApr 9, 2022 -
dsp-lab Public
Contains Code and Lab Reports for Experiments in Digital Signal Processing.
pytorch-tutorials-old Public
Repository to host PyTorch practise as well as reference codes.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
mlda_project Public
This repo contains the code for the MLDA project.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 26, 2020 -
This repo contains the code for the project Auction Mechanisms for Smartgrids while working at IISc Bangalore.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
This repo contains the code developed during my internship at Freie-Universitat Berlin as a DAAD-WISE Scholar.
Jupyter Notebook GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
ivp-assignments Public
This repo contains the assignments for the Image and Video Processing course at IIT Bhubaneswar.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 6, 2020 -
blurred_image_identifier Public
This repo contains the code for a binary classier that distinguishes between blurred and focused images.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
GSoC Public
Forked from sugarlabs/GSoCA guide for participating in Google Summer of Code with Sugar Labs
Shell UpdatedSep 10, 2020 -
coredns Public
Forked from coredns/corednsCoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins
gans_and_vaes_for_rna_seq Public
Developed GANs and VAEs for generating RNA Sequences.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 18, 2020 -
tensorflow-gui Public
Forked from sharmalab/tensorflow-guiGUI for tensorflow
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
dash-sample-apps Public
Forked from plotly/dash-sample-appsApps hosted in the Dash Gallery
Lasso MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2020 -
free-programming-books Public
Forked from EbookFoundation/free-programming-books📚 Freely available programming books
Other UpdatedMay 25, 2020 -
example Public
Forked from coredns/exampleExample middleware for CoreDNS
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 18, 2020 -
rfc Public
Forked from coredns/rfcPropsals and request for comments for CoreDNS
UpdatedMay 13, 2020 -
sympy Public
Forked from sympy/sympyA computer algebra system written in pure Python
Python Other UpdatedFeb 3, 2020