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Dec 8, 2023


Smart contracts for the Celo protocols, including identity and stability.


The contents of this package are licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License V3

Initial deployment

See the testnet helm chart README for how to expose the RPC endpoint.

Then, to deploy contracts to a network run:

yarn run init-network -n NETWORK

This will deploy the contracts to the network specified in truffle-config.js and save the artifacts to build/NETWORK. If your network was deployed with helm, you will probably set NETWORK the same as your NAME (which sets NAMESPACE_NAME and RELEASE_NAME). For more clarity on these names, also see the testnet helm chart README


If a new contract needs to be deployed, create a migration file in the migrations/ directory, prefixing it with the successor of the highest current migration number.

To apply any new migrations to a network, run:

yarn run migrate -n NETWORK


To give an account some gold, wrapped gold, and stable token, run:

yarn run faucet -n NETWORK -a ACCOUNT_ADDRESS

You can check balances by running:

yarn run get-balances -n NETWORK -a ACCOUNT_ADDRESS

You can run 'onlyOwner' methods via the MultiSig by running:

yarn run govern -n NETWORK -c "stableToken.setMinter(0x1234)"

Build artifacts

When interacting with one of our Kubernetes-deployed networks, you can download the build artifacts to a local directory using:

yarn run download-artifacts -n NAME

You must run this before interacting with one of these networks to have the build artifacts available locally.

If you changed the build artifacts (e.g. by running the init-network, migrate, or upgrade script), upload the new build artifacts with:

yarn run upload-artifacts -n NAME

By default, NAME will be set as RELEASE_NAME, NAMESPACE_NAME, TESTNET_NAME which you should have used with the same name in prior instructions. If you used separate names for the above, you can customize the run with the -r -n -t flags respectively.


To start a truffle console run:

yarn console -f -n rc1


  • "-f" for Forno mode, otherwise there needs to be a node running at localhost:8585
  • "-n " possible values are: "rc1", "alfajores", "baklava"

All compiled assets from build/contracts are injected in scope so for example you can do:

truffle(rc1)> let exchange = await"0xE383394B913d7302c49F794C7d3243c429d53D1d")

To instantiate a contract at a known address, and then interact with it:

truffle(rc1)> exchange.getBuyAndSellBuckets(true)
Result {
  '0': <BN: 744b931719b5411d57c3>,
  '1': <BN: 17105bfef1e6943fd144> }

Or you can use ContractKit:

truffle(rc1)> let kit = require('@celo/contractkit').newKitFromWeb3(web3)
truffle(rc1)> let exchange = await kit.contracts.getExchange()


Warning / TODO: We are migrating our tests to Foundry, so this section may be out of date. For instruction on how to run tests with Foundry see here.

To test the smart contracts, run:

yarn run test

Adding the optional --gas flag will print out a report of contract gas usage.

To test a single smart contract, run:

yarn run test ${contract name}

Adding the optional --gas flag will print out a report of contract gas usage.

For quick test iterations run:

yarn run quicktest

or for a single contract:

yarn run quicktest ${contract name}

For quicktest to work correctly a contract's migration dependencies have to be uncommented in scripts/bash/

Compared to the normal test command, quicktest will:

  1. Not run the pretest script of building solidity (will still be run as part of truffle test) and compiling typescript. This works because truffle can run typescript "natively".
  2. Only migrate selected migrations as set in (you'll likely need at least one compilation step since truffle seems to only run compiled migrations)

Verify released smart contracts

  1. Update CeloScanApi in env.json file
  2. Run verification command
yarn truffle-verify [ContractName]@[Contract address]  --network [network] --forno [network rpc url]


yarn truffle-verify MentoFeeHandlerSeller@0x4efa274b7e33476c961065000d58ee09f7921a74 --network mainnet --forno

Possible problems

  1. Some of old smart contracts have slightly different bytecode when verified (it is usually just few bytes difference). Some of the smart contracts were originally deployed with version 0.5.8 instead of 0.5.13 even though there is no history trace about this in our monorepo.

  2. Bytecode differs because of missing library addresses on CeloScan. Json file that will be manually uploaded to CeloScan needs to have libraries root element updated. Library addresses is possible to get either manually or with command which will generate libraries.json.

    yarn verify-deployed -n $NETWORK -b $PREVIOUS_RELEASE -f
      "libraries": {
              "/contracts/governance/Governance.sol": {
                  "Proposals": "0x38afc0dc55415ae27b81c24b5a5fbfe433ebfba8",
                  "IntegerSortedLinkedList": "0x411b40a81a07fcd3542ce5b3d7e215178c4ca2ef",
                  "AddressLinkedList": "0xd26d896d258e258eba71ff0873a878ec36538f8d",
                  "Signatures": "0x69baecd458e7c08b13a18e11887dbb078fb3cbb4",
                  "AddressSortedLinkedList": "0x4819ad0a0eb1304b1d7bc3afd7818017b52a87ab"

Calculate smart contract sizes

Sometimes it's useful to know the bytecode size of core contracts. We can calculate that in two ways:

  1. Using the bytecode of actually deployed smart contracts.
  2. Using the build artifacts of locally built smart contracts.

Using build artifacts


$ yarn size:artifacts

Description: This command uses a script ( to calculate the size of smart contracts from Truffle build artifacts. It extracts the deployedBytecode of each contract, calculates its size in kilobytes, and outputs the results to a CSV file in the scripts/bash/out/ directory.


The script requires Truffle build artifacts to be located in the packages/protocol/build/ directory.

For example:

$ yarn size:artifacts

# ...
Data extraction complete. Results saved to /Users/arthur/Documents/celo-org/celo-monorepo/packages/protocol/scripts/bash/out/build_artefact_bytecode_sizes_20240509_151111.csv
✨  Done in 9.57s.

How it works:

  1. The script first creates an output directory named out in the current directory if it doesn't exist.
  2. It then generates a timestamp and uses it to create a unique output file in the out directory.
  3. The script searches for all JSON files in the protocol/build/contractsprotocol/build/contracts-0.8, and protocol/build/contracts-mento directories.
  4. For each JSON file found, it extracts the contract name and deployedBytecode using the jq command-line JSON processor.
  5. It calculates the size of the deployedBytecode in kilobytes and appends the contract name and size to a temporary file.
  6. The script then sorts the data in the temporary file by size in descending order and appends it to the output file.
  7. Finally, it removes the temporary file and prints a completion message with the location of the output file.

Output: The output is a CSV file named build_artefact_bytecode_sizes_<timestamp>.csv in the out directory. Each line in the file contains a contract name and its size in kilobytes, sorted in descending order by size.

Requirements: This script requires the jq and bc command-line tools to be installed on your system.

Using contracts deployed on-chain

Default usage (Celo Mainnet):

$ yarn size:onchain

Custom usage (any Celo RPC URL)

$ export RPC_URL=
$ yarn size:onchain

Description: This command uses a script ( to calculate the size of smart contracts deployed on Celo Mainnet. It uses the Celo CLI to fetch the addresses of all core contracts, and Foundry to get the bytecode deployed at each address. The size of the bytecode is then calculated and the results are output to a CSV file.


The script requires the Celo CLI and Foundry to be installed on your system.

For example:

$ yarn size:onchain

No custom RPC URL provided. Using default RPC URL:
# ...
Data extraction complete. Results saved to /Users/arthur/Documents/celo-org/celo-monorepo/packages/protocol/out/onchain_bytecode_sizes_20240509_145556.csv
✨  Done in 19.15s.

Or with custom RPC URL:

$ export RPC_URL=
$ yarn size:onchain

Using custom RPC URL:
# ...
Data extraction complete. Results saved to /Users/arthur/Documents/celo-org/celo-monorepo/packages/protocol/scripts/bash/out/onchain_bytecode_sizes_20240510_122254.csv
✨  Done in 38.59s.

How it works:

  1. The script first creates an output directory named out in the current directory if it doesn't exist.
  2. It then generates a timestamp and uses it to create a unique output file in the out directory.
  3. The script sets the RPC URL to (default), or uses the user-specific RPC URL.
  4. It initializes a temporary file and the output file with headers.
  5. The script uses the celocli network:contracts command to fetch the addresses of all core contracts.
  6. For each contract address, it uses Foundry to get the deployed bytecode.
  7. It calculates the size of the bytecode in kilobytes and appends the contract name, address, and size to the output file.

Output: The output is a CSV file named onchain_bytecode_sizes_<timestamp>.csv in the out directory. Each line in the file contains a contract name, its implementation address, and its size in kilobytes.

Compare releases and get PRs changing smart contracts

To get the list of PRs that changed smart contracts between two releases, run:

yarn compare-git-tags [git_tag/branch] [git_tag/branch]


yarn compare-git-tags release/core-contracts/11 release/core-contracts/12

Example output:

PRs that made these changes:

16442165a Deactivate BlochainParameters Contract on L2 (#11008) 198f6215a SortedLinkedList Foundry Migration (#10846)