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Playbook CircleCI

Playbook is a Yeoman generator for prototyping and building experiences. Jekyll is included for static site generation. Bourbon, Neat & Bitters are included to help you write CSS faster.

Gulp is used for compilation of Sass and CoffeeScript (optional). Bower is used for managing dependencies or Browserify for node modules with ES6 (optional).



npm install -g generator-playbook


If you already have Playbook installed, please update before generating new projects to get the latest updates.

npm list -g generator-playbook # See your installed version
npm info generator-playbook dist-tags.latest # See the latest version
npm update -g generator-playbook # Update Playbook globally


Playbook will run bundle install. If you would like to install the Playbook gems into a gemset, set that up before running yo playbook.

mkdir project-name && cd project-name
yo playbook

Should you run into an error such as command yo not found it may be related to a path issue when installing Node.js via Homebrew. Please refer to the top answer on this StackOverflow question.

Gulp Tasks

gulp serve

Serve your source locally into your browser. BrowserSync automatically loads any changes to HTML, CSS and JavaScript that you make.

gulp build

Build the concatenated, minified production version of your source into the dist directory.

gulp deploy

Deploy the production build of your source to GitHub Pages.

If you choose to deploy a GitHub User/Organization Page, your source must be tracked in a branch other than master. User/Organization Pages serve the master branch to users visiting your Page. For more information, please see the GitHub Pages Help.