It's well known that we have different conventions for programming in Canada. This mruby gem attempts to make life easier for Canadian mrubyists by integrating these conventions into the mruby language:
% ./mruby/build/host/bin/mirb
mirb - Embeddable Interactive Ruby Shell
> [].empty_eh?
=> true
> [1,2,3].empty_eh?
=> false
> [].respond_to_eh?(:empty_eh?)
=> true
> aboot
=> "#<Object:0x7f954b808720>"
> raise "something went wrong..."
(mirb):5: I'm sorry, but something went wrong... (RuntimeError)
Cool, eh?
We hand-tuned the gem's performance to keep it in line with everything else in Canada.
Download the source:
git clone git://
Install it:
rake compile
mruby-canada is released under the MIT License.