make this a #minor release
make this a #minor release
add code formatting badge to readme
add code formatting badge to readme
reformat all code
reformat all code
apply formatting
apply formatting
add script to reformat, change workflow to run script
add script to reformat, change workflow to run script
change creation of release to be only if not patch release and cleanu…
change creation of release to be only if not patch release and cleanu…
Pull request merge
change creation of release to be only if not patch release and cleanu…
change creation of release to be only if not patch release and cleanu…
tweaks to docker and add sample NOAA config file
tweaks to docker and add sample NOAA config file
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into add_mirisdr_to_docker
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into add_mirisdr_to_docker
permissions issue
permissions issue
- add installing libmirisdr-4 to both docker and CI builds
- add installing libmirisdr-4 to both docker and CI builds