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InteractorSupport πŸš€

Make your Rails interactors clean, powerful, and less error-prone!

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πŸš€ What Is InteractorSupport?

InteractorSupport extends the Interactor pattern to make your business logic more concise, expressive, and robust.

βœ… Why Use It?

  • Automatic Validations – Validate inputs before execution
  • Data Transformations – Trim, downcase, and sanitize with ease
  • Transactional Execution – Keep data safe with rollback support
  • Conditional Skipping – Skip execution based on logic
  • Auto Record Lookup & Updates – Reduce boilerplate code
  • Request Objects – Lean on ActiveModel for structured, validated inputs
  • Custom RuboCop Cops – Enforce best practices

πŸ“¦ Installation

Add to your Gemfile:

bundle add interactor_support

Or install manually:

gem install interactor_support

🚦 Getting Started

The Problem: Messy Interactors

Without InteractorSupport

class UpdateTodoTitle
  include Interactor

  def call
    todo = Todo.find_by(id: context.todo_id)
    return!(error: "Todo not found") if todo.nil?

    todo.update!(title: context.title.strip, completed: context.completed)
    context.todo = todo


❌ Repetitive boilerplate
❌ Manual failure handling
❌ No automatic transformations

The Solution: InteractorSupport

With InteractorSupport, your interactor is now elegant and expressive:

class UpdateTodoTitle
  include Interactor
  include InteractorSupport

  requires :todo_id, :title
  transform :title, with: :strip
  find_by :todo, query: { id: :todo_id }, required: true
  update :todo, attributes: { title: :title }

  def call
    context.message = "Todo updated!"

πŸš€ What changed?

βœ… Self documenting validation using requires βœ… Trimmed the title with transform βœ… Automatic record lookup with find_by βœ… Automatic update with update

Making it even more powerful

class CompleteTodo
  include Interactor
  include InteractorSupport

  requires :todo_id
  find_by :todo, query: { id: :todo_id }, required: true

  update :todo, attributes: {
    completed: true,
    completed_at: -> { Time.current }

βœ… Wraps the interactor in an active record transaction βœ… Self documenting validation using requires βœ… Automatic record lookup with find_by βœ… Automatic update with update using static values, and a context aware lambda.

Skipping execution when it's not needed

class CompleteTodo
  include Interactor
  include InteractorSupport

  requires :todo
  skip if: -> { todo.completed? }
  update :todo, attributes: { completed: true, completed_at: -> { Time.current } }

πŸ“œ Request Objects – Lean on Rails Conventions

Instead of raw hashes, Request Objects provide validation, transformation, and structure.

βœ… Built on ActiveModel

  • Works just like an ActiveRecord model
  • Supports validations out of the box
  • Automatically transforms & sanitizes data
class TodoRequest
  include InteractorSupport::RequestObject

  attribute :title, transform: :strip
  attribute :email, transform: [:strip, :downcase]
  attribute :completed, type: Boolean, default: false

  validates :title, presence: true
  validates :email, presence: true, format: { with: URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP }

πŸ“– Documentation

Modules & Features

πŸ”Ή InteractorSupport::Concerns::Updatable

Provides the update method to automatically update records based on context.

# example incantations
update :todo, attributes: { title: :title } # -> context.todo.update!(title: context.title)
update :todo, attributes: { title: :title }, context_key: :updated_todo # -> context.updated_todo = context.todo.update!(title: context.title)
update :todo, attributes: { request: { title: :title } } # -> context.todo.update!(title: context.request.title)
update :todo, attributes: { request: [:title, :completed] } # -> context.todo.update!(title: context.request.title, completed: context.request.completed)
update :todo, attributes: :request # -> context.todo.update!(context.request)
update :todo, attributes: [:title, :completed] # -> context.todo.update!(title: context.title, completed: context.completed)
update :todo, attributes: { title: :title, completed: true, completed_at: -> { } } # -> context.todo.update!(title: context.title, completed: true, completed_at:

πŸ”Ή InteractorSupport::Concerns::Findable

Provides find_by and find_where to automatically locate records.

# example incantations

# Genre.find_by(id: context.genre_id)
find_by :genre, context_key: :current_genre

# lambdas are executed within the interactor's context, can be anything needed to compute at runtime
# Genre.find_by(name:, created_at: context.some_context_value )
find_by :genre, query: { name: :name, created_at: -> { some_context_value } }
find_by :genre, query: { name: :name, created_at: -> { } }

# be careful here, this is not advisable.
find_by :genre, query: { name: :name, created_at: }

# Genre.find_by(name:
find_by :genre, query: { name: :name }

# context.current_genre = Genre.find_by(id: context.genre_id)
find_by :genre, context_key: :current_genre

# Genre.find_by(id: context.genre_id), fails the context if the result is nil
find_by :genre, required: true

# find_where
# Post.where(user_id: context.user_id)
find_where :post, where: { user_id: :user_id }

# Same as above, but will fail the context if the results are empty
find_where :post, where: { user_id: :user_id }, required: true

# lambdas are executed within the interactor's context
# Post.where(user_id: context.user_id, created_at: context.some_context_value )
find_where :post, where: { user_id: :user_id, created_at: -> { some_context_value } }

# Post.where(user_id: context.user_id).where.not(active: false)
find_where :post, where: { user_id: :user_id }, where_not: { active: false }

# context.user_id)
find_where :post, where: { user_id: :user_id }, scope: :active

# context.user_posts = Post.where(user_id: context.user_id)
find_where :post, where: { user_id: :user_id }, context_key: :user_posts

πŸ”Ή InteractorSupport::Concerns::Transformable

Provides transform to sanitize and normalize inputs.

πŸ”Ή InteractorSupport::Concerns::Skippable

Allows an interactor to skip execution if a condition is met.

πŸ”Ή InteractorSupport::Validations

Provides automatic input validation before execution.

πŸ”Ή InteractorSupport::RequestObject

Provides structured, validated request objects based on ActiveModel.

πŸ“ Custom RuboCop Cops

Enable them in .rubocop.yml:

  - interactor_support/rubocop
  Enabled: true
  Enabled: true
  Enabled: true

Cop/RequireRequiredForInteractorSupport registers an offense when not invoking required when including InteractorSupport. Since required both acts as documentation as to what context attributes are required for your Interactor or Organizer, and an attr_reader for context values.

Cop/UnusedIncludedModules a highly aggressive cop intended to promote lean interactors. It registers an offense when including modules that are unused in the interactor. eg: include InteractorSupport includes all of the concerns, and validations. However, Request Objects are ignored.

Cop/UsedUnincludedModules registers an offense when including Interactor, and invoking methods in InteractorSupport, but not including the correct module for it. This can give false positives if using another module that implements the same method name as an InteractorSupport method, and intentionally not including InteractorSupport.

🀝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome on GitHub.

πŸ“œ License

Released under the MIT License.


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