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ascii from media

converts images/video to ascii art



brew install asciigen

make sure you have ffmpeg installed (along with the respective headers)

usually on linux you just install the headers like so:

sudo apt-get install libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev

on macos you would do

brew install ffmpeg pkgconf

on windows:

choco install ffmpeg-full pkg-config

i'm not doing pre-built binaries

it is getting too annoying to handle cross plat binary releases using my apple silicon mac. just build from source.

or wait till i release the web app!

build from source

zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast

the above command builds an executable found at ./zig-out/bin

if you want to just directly run the executable, run:

zig build run -Doptimize=ReleaseFast -- [options]

see below for explanations for available options


run the program with the following options (the default zig install directory is ./zig-out/bin):

/path/to/asciigen [options]
  1. options:
    • -h, --help: print the help message and exit
    • -i, --input <file>: specify the input media file path (local path/URL) (required)
    • -o, --output <file>: specify the output media file (txt/img/vid) (required)
    • -c, --color: use color ascii characters (optional)
    • -n, --invert_color: Inverts the color values (optional)
    • -s, --scale <float>: set the downscale or upscale factor (optional, default: 1)
    • -e, --detect_edges: enable edge detection (optional)
    • --sigma1 <float>: set the sigma1 value for DoG filter (optional, default: 0.3)
    • --sigma2 <float>: set the sigma2 value for DoG filter (optional, default: 1.0)
    • --dither floydstein: enable dithering (currently only supports floydstein algorithm)
    • -b, --brightness_boost <float>: increase/decrease perceived brightness (optional, default: 1.0) advanced options:
    • --full_characters: Uses all ascii characters in generated output.
    • --ascii_chars <string>: Use what characters you want to use in the generated output. (default: " .:-=+*%@#")
    • --disable_sort: Prevents sorting of the ascii_chars by size.
    • --block_size <u8>: Set the size of the blocks. (default: 8)
    • --threshold_disabled: Disables the threshold.
    • --codec <string>: Set the encoder codec like "libx264" or "hevc_videotoolbox". (default: searches for encoders on your machine)
    • --keep_audio: Preserves audio from input video.
    • --stretched: Resizes media to fit terminal window
    • -f, --frame_rate: Target frame rate for video output (default: matches input fps)

To render on the terminal directly, just omit the output option.

To output to a text file, use the .txt extension when setting the output option

  1. examples:


    basic usage:

    asciigen -i input.jpg -o output.png

    text file output:

    asciigen -i input.jpg -o output.txt

    using color:

    asciigen -i input.png -o output.png -c

    with edge detection, color, and custom downscale:

    asciigen -i input.jpeg -o output.png -s 4 -e -c

    with brightness boost and url input:

    # bonus (this is a sweet wallpaper)
    asciigen -i "" -o output.png -e -c -b 1.5

    terminal output (just omit the output option):

    asciigen -i "" -e -c -b 1.5


    with an input video (no urls allowed):

    asciigen -i /path/to/input/video.mp4 -o ascii.mp4 --codec hevc_nvenc --keep_audio

    with an input video and rendering on the terminal (stretched to fit terminal):

    asciigen -i /path/to/input/video.mp4 --stretched -c

    with input video and custom ffmpeg encoder options:

    asciigen -i /path/to/input/video.mp4 -o ascii.mp4 -c --codec libx264 --keep_audio-- -preset fast -crf 20

    with input video and custom ffmpeg encoder options:

    asciigen -i /path/to/input/video.mp4 -o ascii.mp4 -c --codec libx264 --keep_audio-- -preset fast -crf 20
  2. the program will generate an ascii art version of your input media and save it as a new media file.

for images: output file needs to be a .png since i saw some weird issues with jpegs.

the zig version is the only one i'll be working on from here on. the c code was just to get me started until i figured out some issues with the build.zig

  1. using the long arguments on windows may or may not work. please use the short arguments for now.


convert images, video to ascii!







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  • Zig 85.8%
  • C 14.0%
  • Shell 0.2%