- GitHub Staff
- Nashville, Tennessee
- 5h behind - @cheshire137@ruby.social
good-audible-story-sync Public
Script to sync your read books from Audible to Goodreads and StoryGraph.
dotfiles Public
All my handy configuration files, including for stuff like Skyrim. βοΈ
project-pull-mover Public
Ruby gem to change the status of pull requests in a GitHub project, mark them as a draft or ready for review, apply or remove a label to indicate failing tests, etc.
gh-slack Public
Forked from rneatherway/gh-slackUtility for archiving a slack conversation as markdown
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 11, 2024 -
freshlinks Public
Forked from reiddraper/freshlinksFreshlinks checks that the relative links between your markdown pages are correct, and helps keep them that way!
nash-grave-plot Public
Web app to view cemetery information for Nashville, Tennessee.
logitech-g13-profiles Public
Profiles for my Logitech G13 controller for games
tapioca Public
Forked from Shopify/tapiocaThe swiss army knife of RBI generation
Embroidery floss color conversion between DMC, Anchor, and J&P Coats.
rubocop-sorbet Public
Forked from Shopify/rubocop-sorbetA collection of RuboCop rules for Sorbet
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2024 -
fair_dice_roll Public
Forked from laserlemon/fair_dice_rollGuaranteed to be random.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2024 -
scrobble-saver Public
Last.fm top tracks => Spotify likes
gohuedata Public
Command-line tools to log data over time from your Philips Hue system.
pr-size-helper-action Public
Forked from glortho/pr-size-helper-actionGet to the bottom of large PRs
github-a11y Public
Forked from khiga8/github-a11yBrowser extension that encourages accessibility awareness while using GitHub
JavaScript UpdatedJul 20, 2023 -
competiwatch-desktop Public
Desktop app built in Electron for tracking your competitive match history in Overwatch.
cheevo-plotter Public
Compare your Steam achievements.
overwatch-team-comps Public
Plan your Overwatch team composition per map. Share your team comp with others.
is-sponsor-label-action Public
Forked from JasonEtco/is-sponsor-label-actionππ A GitHub Action that labels issues/PRs if the creator is a sponsor of the owner
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2022 -
spotify-box Public
Forked from izayl/spotify-boxπΆ Automatic update pinned gist to show your recent Spotify top tracks.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 10, 2021 -
view_components Public
Forked from primer/view_componentsViewComponents for the Primer Design System
gogoamazonwish Public
A Go library to get items from an Amazon wishlist.
soma-chrome Public
Chrome extension to listen to SomaFM web radio stations from your browser.
go-brocade Public
Go tool for messing around with SVG generation
gen-svgo-pattern Public
Generate Go code to create SVG patterns from a given SVG image.
explore Public
Forked from github/exploreCommunity-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub