Add swagger docs support for egg that use routing-controllers(You can load routing-controllers by [@pagodas/egg-routing-controllers] or all by yourself).
$ npm i @pagodas/egg-routing-controllers-swagger --save
For extensible,we also need install routing-controllers@0.8.0
, class-transformer@^0.2.3
, class-validator@0.10.1
is our base peerDependencies.
, class-validator@0.10.1
is routing-controllers@0.8.0
's base peerDependencies.
$ npm i routing-controllers@0.8.0 class-transformer@^0.2.3 class-validator@0.10.1 --save
// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.routingControllers = {
enable: true,
package: '@pagodas/egg-routing-controllers-swagger',
Support all configurations in routing-controllers.
// {app_root}/config/config.default.js
config.routingControllers = {
routingControllersOptions,// required, config for routing-controllers created.
mountPath : '/swagger', // optional defined which url path the doc html ui show mount.default:'/swagger'
additionalProperties: { // optional, defined the doc html information.
description: 'doc description',
title: 'doc title',
version: '2.0.0',
enable : true, // the switch for the middleware.Suggest set it false when run in production. default is true.
This package export all method from class-validator-jsonschema and routing-controllers-openapi;
main decorator:
add description information for field.
add description information for your API.
Self declare @ParamsWithOpenAPI()
and @QueriesWithOpenAPI
wrap the @Params
and @QueryParams
,support param description.
// file app/routing-controller/util.ts
import {Ctx, Get, JsonController, Body} from 'routing-controllers';
import {IsOptional, IsString} from 'class-validator';
import {JSONSchema,OpenAPI} from '@pagodas/egg-routing-controllers-swagger';
class DataInput{
@JSONSchema({description:'say hello to somebody.'})
export class UtilController {
async search(@Ctx()ctx: Context) {
return {};
@OpenAPI({summary:'API for rendering data.'})
async render(@Body body:DataInput) {
return {};
Please open an issue here.