- Sydney, Australia
vscode-margin-colours Public
Visual Studio Code extension to display colour badge next to line numbers when any hex, rgb(a) or hsl(a) colours are written in a file
Custom rule for TSLint to enforce blank lines between class methods - achieves a similar thing to lines-between-class-members in ESLint
appium Public
Forked from appium/appium📱 Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 1, 2019 -
istanbuljs Public
Forked from istanbuljs/istanbuljsmonorepo containing the various nuts and bolts that facilitate istanbul.js test instrumentation
JavaScript UpdatedDec 28, 2018 -
mocha Public
Forked from mochajs/mocha☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2018 -
Storybook addon to show inline story source code formatted using prettier and a syntax highlighter
nodewords Public
Command line word games that run in Node - wordsearch, hangman & anagram
JavaScript UpdatedNov 26, 2018 -
cypress-eslint-preprocessor Public
Cypress plugin that will run linting via ESLint on your spec files as they are loaded and display errors in console
html-linter Public
A linter to check formatting of html files
jest Public
Forked from jestjs/jest🃏 Delightful JavaScript Testing.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 17, 2018 -
concurrently Public
Forked from open-cli-tools/concurrentlyRun commands concurrently. Like `npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less` but better.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 13, 2018 -
Cypress plugin to allow you to use all proposals to the JavaScript language at Proposal stage or above by using babel-preset-stage-1 as well as all JavaScript that has been finalised in the ECMA st…
cypress-documentation Public
Forked from cypress-io/cypress-documentationCypress Documentation including Guides, API, Plugins, Examples, & FAQ.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 10, 2018 -
cypress Public
Forked from cypress-io/cypressFast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 21, 2018 -
chai-spies-augment Public
Additions to the chai-spies library, adds ability to inspect the parameters a spy has been called with and ability to check if a spy was called with a partial object
mockery Public
Forked from mfncooper/mockerySimplifying the use of mocks with Node.js
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
TSLint rule to enforce number of new lines between a class and its decorator - designed with Angular projects in mind
boq-hackathon-dash Public
NativeScript app for BOQ hackathon for helping manage finances
ngSmoothScroll Public
Forked from d-oliveros/ngSmoothScrollAngularJS directives for animating smooth scrolling to elements.
UpdatedFeb 17, 2016 -
angular-gridster Public
Forked from ManifestWebDesign/angular-gridsterAn implementation of gridster-like widgets for Angular JS
wallaby-ng-jade2js-preprocessor Public
Forked from sheltonial/wallaby-ng-html2js-preprocessorWallaby.js preprocessor to compile AngularJS templates from Jade to JavaScript
logging-service Public
Node service that listens for messages over HTTP and logs them to console
JavaScript UpdatedSep 9, 2015