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Curious what I've been hacking on recently?
- chlunde/traceview - (3 days ago)
- chlunde/status-bar - (2 months ago)
- hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws - The AWS Provider enables Terraform to manage AWS resources. (3 months ago)
- chlunde/dotfiles - My dotfiles (5 months ago)
- chlunde/crd-lab - (6 months ago)
- chlunde/traceview -
- chlunde/crd-lab -
- chlunde/xp-state-metrics - POC/WIP
- chlunde/status-bar -
- chlunde/3dp -
- johnousterhout/aposd-vs-clean-code - A discussion between John Ousterhout and Robert Martin about differences between John's book "A Philosophy of Software Design" and Bob's book "Clean Code". (658 stargazers)
- upbound/example-project-aws - Example control plane project for AWS (1 stargazers)
- florianl/go-tc - traffic control in pure go - it allows to read and alter queues, filters and classes (476 stargazers)
- roblaszczak/vgt - The missing tool for Visualising Go Tests (311 stargazers)
- sharkdp/hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool (24230 stargazers)
- Mail: chlunde -at- gmail.com