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o9n (orientation)

A screen.orientation ponyfill πŸ–₯

This is a ponyfill for the new, currently in-draft screen.orientation API.


Use npm:

npm install o9n


Using browserify:

var orientation = require('o9n').orientation;

or build it and include the file in a <script>-tag:

<script src="dist/o9n.js"></script>

It will be available in window.o9n.

SSR Usage

If you're in an environment where window may be undefined like during an SSR, you're able to call the included getOrientation method when window is defined in order to get the same orientation object

var getOrientation = require('o9n').getOrientation;
var orientation = getOrientation();

Supported browsers

It should work in these browsers although I couldn't test them all manually (or automatically).

  • IE10+
  • Edge 12+
  • Firefox 6+
  • Safari 6+
  • Chrome 9+
  • Opera 15+
  • iOS Safari 5.1+
  • Android browser 3+
  • Blackberry browser 10+
  • Opera mobile 30+
  • Chrome for Android (some versions ago)
  • Firefox for Android (some versions ago)
  • IE Mobile 10+


npm run build

creates o9n.js in the dist dir


This ponyfill leverages all the browser APIs there are at the moment:


  • screen.msLockOrientation (IE11, Win8.1, Edge 12+)
  • screen.msUnlockOrientation (IE11, Win8.1, Edge 12+)
  • screen.mozLockOrientation (Firefox 18+)
  • screen.mozUnlockOrientation (Firefox 18+)


  • window.onorientationchange (iOS)
  • screen.onmsorientationchange (IE11, Win8.1, Edge 12+)
  • screen.onmozorientationchange (Firefox 18+)


  • window.orientation (iOS)
  • screen.msOrientation (IE11, Win8.1, Edge 12+)
  • screen.mozOrientation (Firefox 18+)

It normalises them to the aforementioned API draft which is implemented in Chrome 38+, Opera 25+. Also it falls back to a media-query solution for browsers that don't support orientation events at all (all that were not mentioned yet).




Locks the orientation on devices that support it. Possible values are:

  • any
  • natural
  • landscape
  • portrait
  • portrait-primary
  • portrait-secondary
  • landscape-primary
  • landscape-secondary

It returns a promise which resolves, when the orientation was locked. The promise will be rejected if the device could not be locked or locking is not supported at all.


Unlocks the orientation on devices that support it. Returns undefined.


'change' on o9n.orientation

o9n.orientation can listen to the change event that fires every time the orientation was changed. Just use o9n.orientation.addEventListener or o9n.orientation.onchange like you would normally do.



Equals to one of the following

  • portrait-primary
  • portrait-secondary (portrait upside down)
  • landscape-primary
  • landscape-secondary (landscape upside down)


Currently equals to 0 for browsers that don't support it.

Polyfill (not recommended)

It is also possible to install o9n as a polyfill. Just call


before using any of the orientation API.

It will be then available as window.screen.orientation.

This implementation already differs a bit from the current browser implementation in Blink. So it is not recommended to use it as a polyfill to not confuse tools like Modernizr.

Running the tests

npm test


I'm happy for every contribution or manual tests in browsers I could not test. Just open an issue or directly file a PR.
