A minimal little playground to toy with the Really Complex Workflows with Batches example from the Sidekiq documentation.
As-is, you'll need a Sidekiq Enterprise license to
use this example. Batching, however, only requires Sidekiq Pro feature. Change the Gemfile as necessary and
remove the appropriate require
in the Rack configuration file (sidekiq_web.ru
), if you'd like
to just use Pro.
Install dependencies:
$ bundle install
Run Sidekiq server process:
$ bundle exec sidekiq -r ./job_definitions.rb -C ./sidekiq.yml
Run the Sidekiq Web UI:
$ bundle exec rackup sidekiq_web.ru
Enqueue the example:
$ bundle exec ruby ./enqueue.rb
Open a pry developer console with all dependencies required:
$ bundle exec pry -r ./sidekiq.rb
[1] pry(main)> Sidekiq::Queue.all
2024-07-14T15:03:29.240Z pid=9390 tid=6x2 INFO: Sidekiq 7.3.0 connecting to Redis with options {:size=>10, :pool_name=>"internal", :url=>"redis://localhost:6379/0"}
=> [#<Sidekiq::Queue:0x00000001051a3e88 @name="default", @rname="queue:default">]