- Leeds, UK
- https://mou.me
- in/chrismou
Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps with Craft's routing & data-driven by Twig templates
Generate Laravel models from existing database
A plugin providing a Rollbar integration for CraftCMS 3, 4 and 5
🚀 A lightweight HTTP library inspired by JavaScript's fetch, bringing simplicity and flexibility to PHP HTTP requests.
WordPress boilerplate with Composer, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
Pest is an elegant PHP testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, meticulously designed to bring back the joy of testing in PHP.
Chakra UI is a component system for building products with speed ⚡️
The primary public facing website for users of the new EDPN tool
This repository contains the iOS and Android sample apps and API for creating third party sticker packs for WhatsApp.
A highly customizable dice roll package built in react.
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for building web apps and API servers. It comes with support for testing, modern tooling, an ecosystem of official packages, and more.
Framework X – the simple and fast micro framework for building reactive web applications that run anywhere.
Develop desktop GUI applications using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite
Server-side library for working with Expo using PHP
A swearing xylophone that says "You are a f**king c**t"
Elder.js is an opinionated static site generator and web framework for Svelte built with SEO in mind.
Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
Search among multiple models with ElasticSearch and Laravel Scout
PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.
⚡️ Laravel components that take care of one specific task
A library for building advanced, optimised Ember.js apps
Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
a collection of Google services as an Ember CLI add-on