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1 | Name | Source | UID |
2 | !BugGrabber | packaged-with | BugSack |
3 | !NoBetterBlizzOptions | git | git@github.com:PProvost/nobetterblizzoptions.git |
4 | AddonLoader | wowi | 11476 |
5 | Ampere | wowi | 8530 |
6 | Ara_Broker_SPEcSwitcher | wowi | 13246 |
7 | AtlasLoot | wowi | 5541 |
8 | AtlasLootFu | packaged-with | AtlasLoot |
9 | AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade | packaged-with | AtlasLoot |
10 | AtlasLoot_Crafting | packaged-with | AtlasLoot |
11 | AtlasLoot_OriginalWoW | packaged-with | AtlasLoot |
12 | AtlasLoot_WorldEvents | packaged-with | AtlasLoot |
13 | AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing | packaged-with | AtlasLoot |
14 | Auctionator | wowi | 8902 |
15 | AutoText | svn | svn://quaiche@svn.curseforge.net/wow/autotext/mainline/trunk |
16 | Bagnon_Forever | packaged-with | Combuctor |
17 | Bagnon_Tooltips | packaged-with | Combuctor |
18 | BankStack | wowi | 7761 |
19 | Bimbo | git | git://github.com/tekkub/bimbo.git |
20 | Broker_Bags | git | git@github.com:PProvost/Broker_Bags.git |
21 | Broker_CombatLogToggle | git | git@github.com:PProvost/broker_combatlogtoggle.git |
22 | Broker_Group | wowi | 10702 |
23 | Broker_Mail | wowace | broker_mail |
24 | Broker_Professions | wowace | broker_professions |
25 | Broker_Recount | wowace | broker_recount |
26 | Buffet | wowi | 8370 |
27 | BugSack | wowi | 5995 |
28 | BulkMail2 | wowace | bulk-mail2 |
29 | BulkMail2Inbox | wowace | bulk-mail2inbox |
30 | ButtonFacade | wowace | buttonfacade |
31 | ButtonFacade_Caith | wowi | 8869 |
32 | caelNameplates | wowi | 13961 |
33 | CastYeller | wowace | cast-yeller |
34 | ChannelLock | git | git@github.com:PProvost/ChannelLock.git |
35 | ClosetGnome | wowace | closet-gnome |
36 | Combuctor | wowi | 8113 |
37 | Combuctor_Config | packaged-with | Combuctor |
38 | Combuctor_Sets | packaged-with | Combuctor |
39 | ControlFreak | wowi | 7797 |
40 | Cork | git | git://github.com/tekkub/cork.git |
41 | Cromulent | wowace | cromulent |
42 | Crossdresser | git | git://github.com/tekkub/Crossdresser.git |
43 | DayTrader | wowi | 10427 |
44 | Dominos | wowi | 9085 |
45 | Dominos_Buff | packaged-with | Dominos |
46 | Dominos_Cast | packaged-with | Dominos |
47 | Dominos_Config | packaged-with | Dominos |
48 | Dominos_Roll | packaged-with | Dominos |
49 | Dominos_Totems | packaged-with | Dominos |
50 | Dominos_XP | packaged-with | Dominos |
51 | DoubleWideTradeSkills | svn | svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/double-wide-trade-skills/mainline/trunk |
52 | DrDamage | wowace | dr-damage |
53 | DungeonTimer | git | git@github.com:PProvost/DungeonTimer.git |
54 | DXE | wowace | deus-vox-encounters |
55 | DXE_Citadel | packaged-with | DXE |
56 | DXE_Coliseum | packaged-with | DXE |
57 | DXE_Loader | packaged-with | DXE |
58 | DXE_Kalimdor | packaged-with | DXE |
59 | DXE_Naxxramas | packaged-with | DXE |
60 | DXE_Northrend | packaged-with | DXE |
61 | DXE_Options | packaged-with | DXE |
62 | DXE_Ulduar | packaged-with | DXE |
63 | ElitistGroup | wowace | elitistgroup |
64 | Engravings | wowi | 4858 |
65 | epgp | curseforge | epgp-dkp-reloaded |
66 | epgp_lootmaster | curseforge | epgp_lootmaster |
67 | epgp_lootmaster_ml | packaged-with | epgp_lootmaster |
68 | Engravings | git | git://github.com/tekkub/engravings.git |
69 | EquipSetUpdater | wowi | 13578 |
70 | EquipSetBanker | git | git@github.com:PProvost/EquipSetBanker.git |
71 | FactionChamp | wowace | factionchamp |
72 | FishermansFriend | wowace | fishermans-friend |
73 | FlightMap | wowi | 3897 |
74 | FriendsWithBenefits | wowi | 6931 |
75 | FuBar2Broker | wowace | fubar2broker |
76 | GatherMate | wowace | gathermate/ |
77 | GatherMate_Data | wowace | gathermate_data |
78 | GoodNewsEveryone | wowi | 14426 |
79 | GnomishAuctionShrinker | git | git://github.com/tekkub/gnomishauctionshrinker.git |
80 | GnomishVendorShrinker | wowi | 14425 |
81 | Grunt | git | git@github.com:PProvost/grunt.git |
82 | GuildBankSearch | wowi | 9448 |
83 | GuildFilter | wowi | 8516 |
84 | GuildRosterDump | git | git@github.com:PProvost/GuildRosterDump.git |
85 | Hack | wowi | 11101 |
86 | HandyNotes | wowace | handynotes |
87 | HatTrick | wowi | 6958 |
88 | idFlightMode | git | git://github.com/Industrial/idFlightMode.git |
89 | idHitThat | git | git://github.com/tekkub/idhitthat.git |
90 | idQuestAutomation | git | git://github.com/Industrial/idQuestAutomation.git |
91 | iiWatcher | git | git://github.com/haste/iiWatcher.git |
92 | InlineAura | wowace | inline-aura |
93 | InlineAura_Config | packaged-with | InlineAura |
94 | InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory_Fix | wowace | interfaceoptionsframe_opentocate |
95 | Jaraxxus_DebuffHealingMonitor | wowi | 14947 |
96 | Kennel | wowi | 4442 |
97 | kgPanels | wowace | kg-panels |
98 | kgPanelsConfig | packaged-with | kgPanels |
99 | Lazviter | git | git@github.com:PProvost/lazviter.git |
100 | LibSharedMedia-3.0 | wowace | libsharedmedia-3-0 |
101 | LightHeaded | wowi | 7017 |
102 | LightHeaded_Data_A | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
103 | LightHeaded_Data_B | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
104 | LightHeaded_Data_C | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
105 | LightHeaded_Data_D | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
106 | LightHeaded_Data_E | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
107 | LightHeaded_Data_NPC | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
108 | LightHeaded_Data_QIDNames | packaged-with | LightHeaded |
109 | LinkenLog | git | git://github.com/tekkub/linkenlog.git |
110 | LittleWigs | wowace | little-wigs |
111 | LittleWigs_Coldarra | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
112 | LittleWigs_Dalaran | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
113 | LittleWigs_Dragonblight | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
114 | LittleWigs_Frozen_Halls | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
115 | LittleWigs_Howling_Fjord | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
116 | LittleWigs_Icecrown | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
117 | LittleWigs_Storm_Peaks | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
118 | LittleWigs_Stratholme | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
119 | LittleWigs_Zul'Drak | packaged-with | LittleWigs |
120 | LoggerHead | wowace | loggerhead |
121 | MalygosStaticAlarm | wowi | 12815 |
122 | Mapster | wowace | mapster |
123 | MediumRare | git | git://github.com/tekkub/MediumRare.git |
124 | MikScrollingBattleText | wowi | 5153 |
125 | MimironFFA | wowace | mimironffa |
126 | MobNotes | wowi | 8314 |
127 | MSBTOptions | packaged-with | MolScrollingBattleText |
128 | Multishot | wowi | 9590 |
129 | NinjaPanel | svn | svn://svn.wowinterface.com/NinjaPanel-390/trunk |
130 | Nudist | git | git://github.com/tekkub/nudist.git |
131 | oGlow | wowi | 7142 |
132 | Omen | wowi | 8459 |
133 | OmniCC | wowi | 4836 |
134 | OmniCC_Options | packaged-with | OmniCC |
135 | oRA2 | wowace | oRA2 |
136 | oRA2_Leader | packaged-with | oRA2 |
137 | oRA2_Optional | packaged-with | oRA2 |
138 | oRA2_Participant | packaged-with | oRA2 |
139 | oUF | wowi | 9994 |
140 | oUF_CombatFeedback | wowace | o-uf_combat-feedback |
141 | oUF_DebuffHighlight | wowace | o-uf_debuff-highlight |
142 | oUF_DruidHots | svn | svn://quaiche@svn.curseforge.net/wow/ouf_druidhots/mainline/trunk |
143 | oUF_HealComm4 | wowi | 14787 |
144 | oUF_GCD | wowi | 14769 |
145 | oUF_MovableFrames | wowi | 15425 |
146 | oUF_Quaiche | git | git@github.com:PProvost/ouf_quaiche.git |
147 | oUF_ReadyCheck | wowi | 9856 |
148 | oUF_RuneBar | wowi | 12616 |
149 | Panda | wowi | 8633 |
150 | Pawn | curseforge | pawn |
151 | picoEXP | wowi | 10259 |
152 | picoFriends | wowi | 9220 |
153 | picoGuild | wowi | 9219 |
154 | QChatMods | git | git@github.com:PProvost/QChatMods.git |
155 | QLayout | git | git@github.com:PProvost/QLayout.git |
156 | Quelevel | git | git://github.com/tekkub/quelevel.git |
157 | RaidBuffStatus | wowace | raidbuffstatus |
158 | RatingBuster | wowace | rating-buster |
159 | Recount | wowace | recount |
160 | RecountGuessedAbsorbs | wowace | recountguessedabsorbs |
161 | RedRange | wowi | 4166 |
162 | SatrinaBuffFrame | wowi | 7876 |
163 | SBFOptions | packaged-with | SatrinaBuffFrame |
164 | SharedMedia | wowace | sharedmedia |
165 | SimpleGroupTell | git | git@github.com:PProvost/SimpleGroupTell.git |
166 | SimpleMarker | git | git@github.com:PProvost/simplemarker.git |
167 | SimpleRepair | git | git@github.com:PProvost/SimpleRepair.git |
168 | SimpleTellTarget | git | git@github.com:PProvost/SimpleTellTarget.git |
169 | Spew | wowi | 10349 |
170 | Squeenix | git | git@github.com:PProvost/squeenix.git |
171 | Squire | wowace | squire |
172 | StatBlock_Ammo | wowi | 9222 |
173 | StatBlock_FPS | wowi | 9662 |
174 | StatBlock_Latency | wowi | 9661 |
175 | StatBlock_Memory | wowi | 9239 |
176 | StatBlock_ZoneText | wowi | 9227 |
177 | StealYourCarbon | wowi | 8524 |
178 | TabardChampion | wowi | 11921 |
179 | Talented | wowace | talented |
180 | Talented_SpecTabs | packaged-with | Talented |
181 | Talented_GlyphFrame | packaged-with | Talented |
182 | tekability | git | git://github.com/tekkub/tekability.git |
183 | tekDebug | wowi | 10426 |
184 | tekJunkSeller | wowi | 8099 |
185 | tekKompare | wowi | 6837 |
186 | tekKrush | wowi | 15587 |
187 | tekPlayerMenu | git | git://github.com/tekkub/tekplayermenu.git |
188 | teksLoot | wowi | 8198 |
189 | TheBigPicture | wowi | 4919 |
190 | TheLowDown | wowi | 4896 |
191 | TidyPlates | wowi | 13674 |
192 | TidyPlates_Neon | wowi | 15816 |
193 | Tipsy | git | git@github.com:PProvost/Tipsy.git |
194 | Titleist | git | git@github.com:PProvost/titleist.git |
195 | TomTom | wowi | 7032 |
196 | ToneDeaf | git | git@github.com:PProvost/tonedeaf.git |
197 | TourGuide | wowi | 7674 |
198 | TourGuide_Stradlater | wowi | 14072 |
199 | TradeTabs | wowi | 6948 |
200 | TradeskillInfo | wowace | tradeskill-info |
201 | TradeskillInfoUI | packaged-with | TradeskillInfo |
202 | TwinValkyr_shieldmonitor | wowi | 14805 |