Ngwuta Desmond Chidiebere - @chydee
Currently a Mobile Developer at NUBiA Mega Tech
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Mobile Developer at NUBiA Mega Tech Building modern, scalable mobile applications with Flutter/Dart.
Android Engineer at Jamit worked with Java/Kotlin.
Android Developer at PreDiagn built the Skrind health diagnostics app with a focus on TensorFlow Lite and Firebase integration.
Skrind Health App
Kotlin, TensorFlow Lite, Firebase
- A health diagnostics app enabling real-time analysis and test result notifications.
Social Audio App (Jamit)
Java, Kotlin, Jetpack Compose
- Built a robust, cross-compatible social app for audio interactions.
Languages: Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python
Frameworks: TensorFlow, Flutter, Jetpack Compose
Developer Tools: Git, Docker, Google Cloud Platform, Android Studio
Libraries: Dagger/Hilt, RxJava, Gradle