A brief description of the changes.
A link to a GitHub and/or JIRA issue (if applicable). Otherwise, a brief sentence about why you made these changes.
Please follow our style when contributing to CircleCI docs. Our style guide is here: https://circleci.com/docs/style/style-guide-overview.
Please take a moment to check through the following items when submitting your PR (this is just a guide so will not be relevant for all PRs) 😸:
- Break up walls of text by adding paragraph breaks.
- Consider if the content could benefit from more structure, such as lists or tables, to make it easier to consume.
- Keep the title between 20 and 70 characters.
- Consider whether the content would benefit from more subsections (h2-h6 headings) to make it easier to consume.
- Check all headings h1-h6 are in sentence case (only first letter is capitalized).
- Is there a "Next steps" section at the end of the page giving the reader a clear path to what to read next?
- Include relevant backlinks to other CircleCI docs/pages.