Vagrant configuration to run a mongodb replica set on any OS.
This setup boots up a 4 gig ubuntu xenial (16.04) machine running with mongodb (3.4) in a PSS (Primary, Secondary, Secondary) replica set configuration.
A user with root role is created by default. Username and Password are available in Please change the username and password as per your needs.
All nodes of the replica set run on ports as mentioned below. All ports are forwarded to the local machine. You should be able to connect to the replica set with any mongodb management tool like Robo3T.
Primary Node - 27017
Secondary Node 1 - 27018
Secondary Node 2- 27019
Know More About Configuring mongodb-replicaset.
- Vagrant setup needs to be configured on the local machine. Know more about how to setup vagrant.
- Clone the repository on your local machine
- Run
vagrant up
to start the vagrant machine.
# Get key file
vagrant ssh-config | grep IdentityFile
ssh vagrant@localhost -p 2222 -i <identityfile-localtion>