Amazon Web Services
- Seattle, WA
- https://clare.dev/
- @clare.dev
sample-apiserver Public
Forked from kubernetes/sample-apiserverReference implementation of an apiserver for a custom Kubernetes API.
community Public
Forked from spinnaker/governanceCommunity documentation for Spinnaker
grace-hopper-jeopardy Public archive
Jeopardy game with Grace Hopper trivia
spinnaker.github.io Public
Forked from spinnaker/spinnaker.github.iospinnaker documentation site
aws-cloudformation-github-deploy Public
Forked from aws-actions/aws-cloudformation-github-deployDeploys AWS CloudFormation Stacks
spinnaker-ecs-devel Public
How to set up a development environment for the Spinnaker ECS plugin
kork Public
Forked from spinnaker/korkKork provides some basic service building blocks for Spinnaker.
rosco Public
Forked from spinnaker/roscoA bakery for deployable images
orca Public
Forked from spinnaker/orcaorchestration engine
kayenta Public
Forked from spinnaker/kayentaAutomated Canary Service
igor Public
Forked from spinnaker/igorIntegration with Jenkins and Git for Spinnaker
gate Public
Forked from spinnaker/gateSpinnaker API Gateway
front50 Public
Forked from spinnaker/front50Cross-Application Persistence Service
fiat Public
Forked from spinnaker/fiatSpinnaker auth service
echo Public
Forked from spinnaker/echoSpinnaker Eventing Service
deck Public
Forked from spinnaker/deckManagement UI for Spinnaker
clouddriver Public
Forked from spinnaker/clouddriverread and write operations across cloud providers
spec Public
Forked from oam-dev/specThe Open Application Model specification
eksctl Public
Forked from eksctl-io/eksctlThe official CLI for Amazon EKS
continuous-integration-rick Public archive
Demo that reports a custom-formatted Rick-and-Morty-themed build status to a GitHub pull request
amazon-ecr-containerd-resolver Public
Forked from awslabs/amazon-ecr-containerd-resolverThe Amazon ECR containerd resolver is an implementation of a containerd Resolver and Fetcher that can pull images from and push images to Amazon ECR using the Amazon ECR API instead of the Docker R…
aws-cdk-examples Public
Forked from aws-samples/aws-cdk-examplesExample projects using the AWS CDK
amazon-ecs-local-container-endpoints Public
Forked from awslabs/amazon-ecs-local-container-endpointsA container that provides local versions of the ECS Task Metadata Endpoint and ECS Task IAM Roles Endpoint.
spinnaker-dependencies Public
Forked from spinnaker/spinnaker-dependenciesCommon dependencies for Spinnaker
git-of-theseus Public
Forked from erikbern/git-of-theseusAnalyze how a Git repo grows over time
terraform-aws-ssh-bastion-service Public
Forked from joshuamkite/terraform-aws-ssh-bastion-serviceTerraform plan to deploy ssh bastion as a containerised, stateless service on AWS
serverless-application-model Public
Forked from aws/serverless-application-modelAWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) prescribes rules for expressing Serverless applications on AWS.
stackalytics Public
Forked from openstack-archive/stackalyticsOpenStack analytics dashboard
goformation Public
Forked from awslabs/goformationGoFormation is a Go library for working with CloudFormation templates.