Tags: classicvalues/gostatsd
Only run slow tests by hand We currently have two slow tests, one is a benchmark in the form of a test, and one is an actual benchmark. ARM64 is having a bad time with the benchmark, so we'll skip it for now until it can be fixed. This does *not* close the issue attached to it.
Only run slow tests by hand We currently have two slow tests, one is a benchmark in the form of a test, and one is an actual benchmark. ARM64 is having a bad time with the benchmark, so we'll skip it for now until it can be fixed. This does *not* close the issue attached to it.
Merge pull request atlassian#358 from hligit/build-arm64-docker-image Build and publish Docker images for arm64
Merge pull request atlassian#343 from atlassian/jdu/coerce-non-numeri… …c-values Coerce non-numeric values to numeric in the datadog backend