[cljsjs/react-d3-cloud "1.0.5-0"] ;; latest release
This jar comes with deps.cljs
as used by the Foreign Libs feature
of the ClojureScript compiler. After adding the above dependency to your project
you can require the packaged library like so:
;example usage
(ns application.core
;You can use :refer, :as, or js-interops via js/ReactTagcloud
(:require [cljsjs.react-d3-cloud]))
(def d3-cloud (reagent/adapt-react-class js/ReactD3Cloud))
(defn view []
(let [data [{:text "Hey" :value 1000}
{:text "lol", :value 200}
{:text "first impression", :value 800}
{:text "very cool", :value 1000000}
{:text "duck", :value 10}]]
[:div "Minimal Test "
;Define Cloud
[d3-cloud {:data data
:font-size (fn [word]
(* (js/Math.log2 (aget word "value"))
:width 500
:height 500}]]))