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A personalized Python package cookiecutter

System setup

  1. Install miniconda
  2. Update conda packages: conda update --all
  3. Install cookie cutter: conda install -c conda-forge cookiecutter
  4. Install poetry


Initialize the package:


Initialize Conda Environment

# Create a conda environment for the package to run in and activate it
conda create --name <pkg_name> python=<min_py_vers> -y
conda activate <pkg_name>

Dependency and Environment Setup

Add package dependencies via Poetry and Conda. We use Poetry to fulfill package metadata requirements and use Conda to create an operational environment for the package to operate it (we prefer Conda). This means package dependencies must be maintained in two places. An update to one means an update to the other.

Add dependencies via Poetry:

# Development dependencies (via poetry)
poetry add --group dev pytest pytest-cov pytest-mock sphinx sphinx-autoapi myst-parser pylint black python-semantic-release

# Add operational dependencies (via poetry)
poetry add <dependency>

Add Conda package dependencies Conda environment:

# Add the same operational dependencies as done for poetry above
conda install <dependency>

Export Conda environment files and pip requirements:

# Conda
conda env export --from-history --file environment-min.yml
conda env export --no-builds --file environment.yml

# pip
pip list --format=freeze > requirements.txt


Update "TODO" prompts in the newly initialized package. These placeholders are reminders to fill in some basic package details. Search the project for "TODO" to find these.

Git and GitHub

  • Initialize the local directory as a git repository.
  • Create a development branch off of main.
  • Initialize a new GitHub repository for the project.
  • Grant GitHub Actions write permissions to enable merge of releases back into the development branch, which prevents possible downstream merge conflicts. Select Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions > Read and write permissions. Create a personal access token and add it to the GitHub repository as a secret with the name RELEASE_TOKEN.
  • Pull Requests
    • Disable Allow merge commits and Allow rebase merging options.
    • Set the Default commit message to be Pull request title and description.
  • Push the local repository to the remote (make sure the development branch is pushed, otherwise the CD pipeline will fail).
  • Add the short package description to the repository's "About" section of GitHub.
  • Enable the following branch protection rules on both the main and development branches:
    • Require a pull request approval before merging
    • Require status checks to pass before merging
    • Require branches to be up to date before merging
    • Require conversation resolution before merging
    • Require linear history


Build the documentation and give it a quick look over for correctness.

# Install the package w/Poetry so Sphinx can run
poetry install

# From the project root directory
make --directory=docs/ clean html

Read the Docs

Package Logo

If you would like to add a logo to your package:

  • Add a .png image with the file name project-sidebar.png to the docs/_static/ directory. Please compress the image before adding it.
  • Uncomment the block of HTML to the top of the file docs/source/_templates/sidebarintro.html.
  • Commit the changes.


If releasing on PyPI, uncomment the ~lines 25 in sidebarintro.html and sidebarlogo.html. You may need to update the links contained therein.


This repository is a refactored version of the py-pkgs-cookiecutter template.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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