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Newest items at the top. Note that updates before 2022-August were copied from announcements on the Clojars Maintainer’s mailing list with little editing.


















Note: We changed from a counter for the release version to <date>.<commit-count> with this release.







  • Improve verification error messages to reduce confusion (Toby Crawley)


  • Consolidate configuration; use SSM parameters for sensitive values (Toby Crawley)






  • [BUGFIX]: link to instead of in the footer. We can’t use the latter due to the SSL certificate presented by not including #830
  • [MAINT]: Upgrade postgresql lib to address CVEs
  • [BUGFIX]: Report CDN purge failures to Sentry #831


  • [FEATURE]: Add a badge url to the project pages to include SNAPSHOTs, and preview the badges on the page itself #836 Thanks Victor! (


  • [FEATURE]: Fastmail as sponsor. Fastmail ( is providing free email hosting for Thanks Fastmail!


  • [BUGFIX]: Fix OTP QRCode image loading


  • [BUGFIX]: Fix error introduced by OTP QRCode fix that prevented viewing specific versions of projects


  • [BUGFIX]: Allow user to be added to a group as a member (non-admin)






  • XSS and header security improvements: #825



  • Send notifications when email address or password changes: #827




We just released Clojars 162. It provides the option to receive an email when any deploy occurs in a group you are part of. See for more details.


We just released Clojars 160. This includes:


149 - 158

This covers changes released in Clojars 149 through 158.



  • Verified groups no longer have a public Verified badge. Showing the badge publicly stigmatized legacy, non-verifiable groups. The Verified badge is still displayed for your own groups when logged in and looking at your dashboard.
  • Fixes for links to git repos/trees when the url was invalid


We’ve had the following changes since Clojars 133:

  • Disabling group creation deploy and deploys of new projects to non-verified groups (announced here)
  • A fix for when a github/gitlab username had uppercase characters. This manifested as default groups created with `com.github.UserName` instead of `com.github.username`
  • Updates to the SYSADMIN file to reflect the current state of Clojars
  • Modernization of the gradle coordinates (thanks JohnnyJayJay!)
  • Deploy tokens can now be created for a group that doesn’t yet have any jars
  • New passwords are now limited to 256 characters to avoid a denial of service avenue
  • The Clubhouse sponsorship logo has been updated, since they changed their name (thanks Timothy Pratley, and thanks to Shortcut for their continued sponsorship!)
  • We now link to the tree for a commit or tag instead of just the released commit to make it easier to browse changes in the release (note that this may be an invalid link to any provider other than GitHub or GitLab)
  • We now properly link the SCM URL to any VCS provider instead of just GitHub



Clojars 133 was just released, and includes the following changes since 129:

  • You can now login via as long as the primary email address on your account matches your account email. This will automatically create two verified groups for you that you can use to deploy new projects if you like: com.gitlab.<clojars-username> and io.gitlab.<clojars-username>.
  • There is now a crude audit log of deploy activity that will show on your dashboard, group pages, and project pages. The dashboard will only show your activity, where the group and project pages will show all activity for that group or project version if you have deploy rights to the group. We only persist the logs for 30 days. The logs are useful to know why a deploy failed since we can no longer return useful context to the deploying client due to #774

Note that on April 18th we will be removing the ability to create new, non-verified groups and the the ability to deploy a new project to a non-verified group. See for more details.




  • Feature: The deps.edn dependency instructions now show the group when the group and artifact names are the same (`foo/foo`, for example). Thanks Dominic!
  • Feature: Some UI cleanup around the log in with GitHub button. Thanks Renato!
  • Bug: Deploy token generation now allows limiting to any group you have access to instead of just ones you have pushed to
  • Bug: The redeploy check now properly checks the canonical S3 repo instead of whatever happens to be cached on the filesystem
  • Feature: several bits of group verification have been implemented:
  • Each user now owns a `net.clojars.<username>` that is verified
  • `org.clojars.<username>` groups are verified
  • Logging in with GitHub gives you the `com.github.<gh-username>` and `io.github.<gh-username>` groups, and both are considered verified
  • Verified groups now have a badge in the UI

For more information about verified groups and the plan for them, see




We just released Clojars 122. Here is what changed since the last announcement (for 114):

  • A fix in the generate-feeds logic that allows for a version segment

that is longer than an int

  • A fix for a possible XSS vulnerability via :licenses or :scm in the

pom file (thanks to Renato Alencar for the report)

  • A fix in the authentication flow that was rejecting unauthenticated

deploy requests too early, preventing the “deploy token is required” message from being returned

  • GitHub will now report any deploy tokens found in public

commits/comments. Clojars will disable the token and email the owner (this functionality existed pre-114, but the change on the GitHub side was deployed since)

  • You can now login via OAuth with your GitHub account (thanks again

to Renato Alencar for adding this)




We just released Clojars 114. Here is what has changed since the last announcement (for 112):

  • Deploy tokens are now required to deploy. See for details

  • Requests to the password reset endpoint are now rate-limited to

avoid it being used as a spam/annoyance vector



We just released Clojars 112. Here is what has changed since the last announcement (for 109):

  • XML/JSON search responses now honor the page param and don’t always

just show you the first page of results. Thanks to Martin Klepsch ( for implementing this over two years ago (!), and my apologies for letting the PR sit for so long

  • The page footer has been updated to link to Clojurists Together

instead of Software Freedom Conservancy since Clojars is now under the CT umbrella instead of SFC

  • The Clojars app has been updated to actually generate logs when

certain actions occur to ease debugging and have a better understanding of how the app is used

  • The default branches of the clojars-web and clojars-server-config

repos have been switched to `main`, and the `master` branches have been removed.



We just released Clojars 109. The changes since 105 (the last version I announced here) are:

  • An endpoint to receive deploy token compromise reports from GitHub:

this will disable the token and email the owner when GitHub finds a deploy token in a commit. This hasn’t been fully implemented on their side, so isn’t yet active.

  • Deploy tokens can now optionally be scoped to an artifact or group
  • Optional two-factor authentication support - see the wiki for


A big thanks to André Eriksson ( for fixing some visual issues with deploy tokens, and to Daniel Compton ( and Paul Stadig ( for reviewing the two-factor auth changes.




Since my last announcement, we have finished moving Clojars over to AWS. We’ve also fixed a couple of bugs and added a new feature.

Bug fixes:

  • All artifacts in a deploy are now purged from fastly. This fixes an

issue where an version could bed requested before it existed, causing fastly to cache the 404 for ~24 hours, making the new release unavailable to some users depending on geographic region (#746)

  • The group management page wasn’t properly displaying admins since

the switch to postgresql

New features:

Deploy tokens! You can now create deploy tokens and use them in place of passwords when deploying. The plan is to make these the only way to deploy some time in the future, but we want them to get a bit of use first. We also plan to add recognition of Clojars tokens to GitHub’s token scanning system, and set up an endpoint where they can notify us of compromised tokens that will disable the token and notify you (if it was your token, of course). Please give them a try and provide any feedback at #726

Lastly, the AWS transition is complete. You can see a diagram of the current architecture here:




The work since the last announcement has solely been focused on the migration to AWS. The big highlight is we now have a beta server up on AWS for testing, and it is the last piece we need to move off of Rackspace and on to AWS!

If you are interested in helping to exercise the beta server, please see the announcement on clojure@ (I would link to it here, but Google Groups is having trouble loading the clojure@ group ATM).

Other highlights include:

  • Password reset emails now go through Amazon SES instead of through

postfix on the server

  • maven-metadata.xml files (and their checksums) are now purged from

the Fastly CDN whenever they change on a deploy (this eliminates a wait of sometimes up to 15 minutes for newly released SNAPSHOTS to be available to build tools)




We recently lost our sponsorship to host the server and repo from Rackspace (we are very grateful for the four+ years of sponsorship we received from them), and have since been accepted in to Amazon’s AWS Open Source program. So we are now working on migrating off of Rackspace and on to AWS. The bulk of the work since the last release announcement has been moving data that was stored in Rackspace Cloudfiles (the repos, download stats, CDN logs) to S3. Most of that work is now done, and we will switch over to serving artifacts from S3 (via our CDN sponsored by Fastly) in the next few days. We are currently writing new artifacts to both Cloudfiles and S3, and have a little cleanup to complete before switching over.

Once that is done, the next block of work will be to move the server from Rackspace to EC2.




The change in this release is we now store download stats on s3 and serve the stats from our Fastly CDN. This is a step towards making the server ephemeral to allow us to replace it easily for OS updates/upgrades, etc.

The stats are now served from Requests to* will be redirected to the repo url.

The changelog since the last release announcement for Clojars 80 is:…82

This also included changes to the server configuration. The changelog for that repo is:…9eb028524ce2936248f622137767b380fff5f455



We just released Clojars 80. This release improves the load time for the index and dashboard pages by (slightly) optimizing a few queries that are slower with postgres than they were with sqlite. It also introduces caching of the results used to show the recent jars on the index page to further improve load time.

See…80 for the full list of commits in this release.


We just released Clojars 79. The primary change in this release is switching from sqlite to postgres. There shouldn’t be any user-facing changes with this - if you do see odd behavior, please let us know.

Moving to postgres is a part of improving the security of Clojars, since it is a step on the path towards making the server itself ephemeral, allowing us to replace it frequently to include security updates. There is still a bit of work to do here (the largest tasks being removing the on-disk repo (#734, #735) and reworking the maven indexer to index the cloudfiles repo) which we hope to get to in the coming weeks.

This release also includes an updated gpg key for reporting security issues (linked from, the old one had expired).

See…79 for the full list of commits in this release.


  • A styling fix on mobile

(#733) - Lucio D’Alessandro

  • Artifacts are now synchronously uploaded to cloudfiles

(#707) - Toby Crawley

Prior to this last change, we were queuing up artifacts to upload to the cloudfiles repository during the deployment and uploading them after the deployment completed. That process would fail occasionally, leaving the cloudfiles repo out of sync with the on-disk repo. We will now upload the artifacts to cloudfiles during the deploy, and will report back to the user that the deploy failed if we weren’t able to upload the artifacts.



  • You can now use human-readable datetimes as part of an at query when searching (Shaaz Ahmed) This is an extension to the basic Lucene syntax for specifying time ranges. For a more detailed look at what advanced options are available when searching Clojars, please see the wiki.
  • Artifacts that shadow projects on Maven Central now come with a warning
  • We now have a mechanism in place to support custom warning/deprecation messages on specific artifacts. This was added because the presence of an old Postgresql driver on Clojars was causing confusion and delay for new users. This change allows us to point users at the correct group on Maven Central.



We’ve been remiss in announcing releases, so this will cover some of the highlights of changes in v61-69:

  • Search results are now available as xml. This change supports simplifications in Leiningen’s search logic (Phil Hagelberg)
  • Link to the repo directory listing for SNAPSHOTS. This makes it easier to see the timestamp version to aid pinning to a particular snapshot (Martin Klepsch)
  • References to the repo now use https and the CDN repo (Daniel Compton)
  • Gradle coordinates now use single quotes, as that is idiomatic (David Bürgin)
  • Provide coordinates for the Clojure CLI/deps.edn (David Bürgin)
  • Changing your password now requires providing your current password (Shafeeq K)



We’ve just deployed an update to Clojars that allows you to remove users from groups. Before now, doing so required having one of the Clojars administrators do it for you.

It works like this:

  • Group membership now has an admin flag associated with it
  • Group admins can add members, promote members to admins, and demote

admins to members

  • A user cannot alter his/her own admin status

For existing groups, we tried to make sure at least one user had admin rights, but there are cases where more than one user was made admin, and possibly a few cases where no one was made admin. The algorithm we used to determine initial admin rights was based on the who added the user to the group - if that value was “clojars” (meaning the user created the group) or null (meaning the user was added to the group before January 2013, before we started tracking the provenance of membership, and therefore can’t determine the creator), admin rights were given.

We want to thank Marcelo Nomoto for implementing this feature, and seeing it to completion over several rounds of PR review.


You can see all the changes at…59.

The profile page has been clarified, some styling has been cleaned up, and some tests have been made more robust. Thanks to all who contributed.

We’ve also added a DMCA page at This is on the advice of Software Freedom Conservancy’s legal counsel, to protect us against copyright infringement suits, and to provide a way for parties to make copyright infringement claims.


55 - 58

are no longer allowed]]

  • long group/artifact names should now properly wrap on small screens

(thanks Karim Senhaji)

  • the jar list feed no longer has duplicate entries for SNAPSHOT releases
  • the versions feed will now be fully populated (we’ve been

generating a truncated version since December 6th)



  • Clarification that Leiningen dep vector works for Boot as well

(Marcelo Nomoto)

  • Instructions for deploying with Boot on the main page (Sasha Gerrand)
  • Show description from latest deploy in search results, even if it is

a SNAPSHOT (Marcelo Nomoto)

  • Fix dependency list on release page sidebar to link to local

artifacts where appropriate (Karim Senhaji)

  • Hint that org.clojure releases are in Maven Central from the search

page (lfn3)

  • Make getting started instructions easier to read on a mobile device

(Arron Mabrey)

  • Escape special characters in queries before passing them to lucene (lfn3)
  • Remove login-throttling code, since it was an avenue for DoS

(Spencer Crissman)

  • Implement alternative login throttling at the Nginx level (Toby Crawley)
  • Provide search query documentation and link to it from search page

(Oscar Rendón)

  • Implement Google-suggested HTML improvements to aid indexing (Diogo

Souza da Silva)

  • Use juxt/aero to simplify configuration (Marcelo Nomoto)
  • Use Sentry instead of Yeller for error reporting (Alan Moore)



  • Deployments are now uploaded to Rackspace Cloud Files (to be served

by the CDN repo) in the background after each deployment

  • We no longer use target=”_blank” links due to security concerns:

#558 - thanks to Liam (

  • HTML markup has been cleaned up:

#547 - also thanks to Liam


Clojars infrastructure Migrated from Linode to Rackspace.



Clojars 46 was just released (45 had a build problem). It fixes some minor HTML validation bugs, and removes external links and images from the password reset page, to avoid leaking a password reset code in a referrer.


The only change was to disable uploads to Rackspace cloudfiles as part of the deploy process, as this was causing aether clients to get a read timeout in some cases. The timeout made it appear to the user that the deploy failed, when it actually succeeded (see #546).

We’re not yet using the artifacts stored in cloudfiles, so not deploying new deployments there won’t impact users.



  • fix for an issue that prevented multi-module deploys that share the

same aether session from deploying successfully (should have only affected projects that use lein-modules or lein-sub) #541

  • a small visual change to make the badge textarea easier to use

(thanks to


This release has just one fix to allow projects that inherit dependency versions from a parent pom to successfully deploy (see #538).


  • deploys are now written to Rackspace Cloudfiles in addition to the

on-disk repo. This is a step in the long journey to having the repo served by more resilient infrastructure.

  • metadata from pom files is now read at deploy time and stored in the

database instead of the files being read on every request to the web ui/api for the relevant project. This is part of the changes needed to move the repo off disk, since once that happens, they won’t be available locally for reading.

  • projects deployed via maven that have artifacts with classifiers

will now make it to the repo (#515, #532). This was a bug that was introduced with the atomic deploy feature.



Two fixes related to the atomic deploy changes:

  • a deployed SNAPSHOT wasn’t visible to the user that pushed it


  • don’t return 400s for maven-metadata.xml checksum file PUTs


This release was just has a fix for artifacts with classifiers - they weren’t being properly handled by the atomic deploy code: #511


This release includes the following changes:

We now reject any deployments that don’t pass a set of validations, without writing anything to the repository. This prevents broken deploys (where a network error interrupts/corrupts the deploy, or one or more artifacts have an invalid format) from reaching the repository.

From a user perspective, deployment should behave the same for the most part - the only thing that would be different is we now validate after all of the artifacts are uploaded instead of applying some validations for each artifact. This means that if you try to redeploy a non-SNAPSHOT version, for example, it used to fail on the first artifact, but will now fail after the last artifact has been uploaded.


31, 32, 33

The changes in Clojars 31 (and a hotfix in 32 and 33) are mostly under the hood.

  • A fix to the bootstrapping process from KimSnJ, Thanks! #485
  • Copy changes to the login page to put the hashed passwords being wiped into context (it happened in 2012), and to show a warning to the user if they try to login with their email. The error text is also now red. #486
  • Download numbers are now formatted with thousands separators
  • There are a number of improvements to the site’s metadata to take advantage of cool Google features like site link search boxes, breadcrumbs, structured data, e.t.c. We’ve also added metadata for Facebook and Twitter (and by proxy Slack). #488

See…33 for the full list of changes.


Thanks folks!

See…30 for the full list of changes.



The user-facing changes are:

  • You can now single-click the coordinates on an artifact page to

select them (Daniel Compton) #276

  • Remove promotion and the releases repo (Toby Crawley)


For rationale, see the issue.

  • Display a project’s licences on the artifact page (Toby Crawley)


  • Only index artifacts where the g:a:v matches the deployed artifact

(Toby Crawley) #360

See…29 for the full list of changes in this release.


The user-facing changes are:

  • Harden Clojars user management security (Daniel Compton)

This is largest change in this release - read the commit message for the full details, but the summary is:

  • Users can no longer log in using their email address (username only)
  • New passwords must be at least 8 characters
  • Email addresses must look like email addresses (match #”.+@.+”, basically)
  • Show the users username when resetting their password (Daniel Compton)
  • Don’t use stop words when generating the search index (John Wiseman)


  • Fill the query input box with the current query (John Wiseman)
  • Load typekit asynchronously (Toby Crawley)


  • Add StatusPage and Rackspace logos to footer (Daniel Compton)

Both StatusPage and Rackspace are now sponsoring Clojars with free service. You can see the new status page at We’ve yet to migrate anything to Rackspace, but plan to use their cloud files offering for the repo, and move the app itself to a server there in the not too distant future.

  • Serve retina assets where possible (Daniel Compton)


See…28 for the full list of changes in this release.


  • The search box now receives focus on page load (Victor Gama)


  • Preserve inputs when registration reloads after validation failure

(Andy Chambers) #427

  • Set permissive CORS header for the /api and /search routes (Victor Gama)


  • The clojars app only binds to localhost now (Александар Симић)


Before this change, you could bypass nginx and access the app directly over http at port 8001.

  • The feed generation code (/repo/feed.clj.gz) has been moved in to

the primary codebase (Toby Crawley) #456

The feed was being generated by one-off clojure code that only existed on the server. If you use the feed and have any issues with the new one, please let us know.

  • DNSimple has been added to the footer as a sponsor (Toby Crawley)

As part of our robustness improvements, we have moved the DNS off of linode to DNSimple, since it is a more stable service. They have graciously given us a free account!



  • is now the badge source recommended on the jar page (Toby Crawley)


The `/artifact/latest-version.svg` route will continue to work.

  • Promotion has been disabled (Toby Crawley)

#415 #424

This is the first step in removing promotion entirely.


The only change in this release is a fix for json searches when the query string is invalid (#442). Before this fix, an invalid query returned an html response with the status of 500. Now, it will return a json response with a status of 400, and a body of the form:

{"error":"Invalid search syntax for query `foo AND`"}

This change shouldn’t affect regular users, but may affect any tooling that uses the search api. If you know of any tools that do use the search api, please let the author know about this change.



This release includes more component-based improvements from Nelson Morris, and a fix for the register page not working properly when validation failed from Jearvon Dharrie.

Full diff:…23.0.0


22.0.0 is live, with the following changes:

  • the promotion checking code will no longer throw if it encounters a

GPG key type that BouncyCastle does not support (ed25519, for example). See 420 for more details.

  • trying to repromote an artifact will no longer result in an exception 425
  • all references to have been updated to

  • a link to the BountySource backers page has been added to the footer

in the sponsorship section


This fixes one regression that was introduced in the last release that prevented updating your profile unless you also provided a password (#418).


We just released version 20.0.0 of clojars. There are no real user-visible changes, but Nelson Morris has been modernizing the codebase, so much has changed under the covers:

  • we now use Alessandra Sierra’s component for parts of the system
  • all of the obsolete scp and eventlog code has been removed
  • we now use YeSQL instead of Korma
  • we now use HikariCP for connection pooling

This is an ongoing process - Nelson has more modernization changes in the pipe.

This release also includes a fix for throttling failed logins to discourage brute-force password attacks (#401).



We just released 0.18.0. The only change in this release is password resets now use a reset link instead of a new password emailed in cleartext. Big thanks to Nicolás Berger for the report and the fix!



Previously, when you deploy an artifact that fails validation of its group name, artifact name, or version, or you reploy a non-snapshot version, you get a non-helpful message from Aether:

Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact blahblah:blahblah:pom:0.1.0 from/to local ( Access denied to:, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden

which provides no indication as to why the request was forbidden. This message is printed by Aether, and the only part of it we can influence from the server is the ReasonPhrase - this is the status message sent from the server along with the status code of the response, which, in this case, is a 403:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

This release has changes to override the default status message with something more useful, so a redeploy results in:

Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact blahblah:blahblah:pom:0.1.0 from/to local ( Access denied to:, ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - redeploying non-snapshots is not allowed (see

with similar messages for name or version validation failures.



We just pushed a new release to - the only thing in this release is pagination of search results. Before this change, you only saw the first 25 results. A big thanks to John Beppu for the implementation! You can see it in action at, for example.


  • improvements to the favicon (#361)
  • error reporting to yeller (#351)
  • stack traces are no longer shown on the error page (#348)

In addition, the jdk on the server has been updated to openjdk 8 (from openjdk 6).



The changes in this release are mostly visual:

  • ssh keys are now hidden from the register/profile pages, since scp is disabled
  • there is now a note on those same pages clarifying that pgp keys are optional
  • the favicon now matches the logo
  • added the Red Hat logo in the footer as a sponsor, since they are sponsoring Toby’s time



The only change in this release is a read-only API for retrieving information on users, groups, and artifacts. See for details.

The API was implemented by Juho Teperi, with input from Александар Симић and Andy Chambers. Thanks to them for their hard work!



The changes in this release are all behind the scenes, there are no new features.

The important change is all writes to the sqlite db from the application now go through a single thread, which prevents failures caused by sqlite being unable to handle concurrent writes. This is hopefully a temporary fix until we can move away from sqlite altogether.

0.15.12, 0.15.13

There have been two deploys this week (Monday and today). They included mostly bug fixes (the full list you can see via the milestone links below).

The only new feature is you can now get the latest version for an artifact as json in addition to an svg. For example, visiting will return `{“version”:”2.0.0-beta3”}`. This is useful for integration with services such as


  • Design, color scheme and typography revamp. #214


  • Improved search result quality. #210


  • Switch to Lucene-powered search. #23
  • De-emphasize forked artifacts. #77
  • Show notice when profile is updated. #102


  • Link to GitHub commits from jar pages. #88
  • Projects can now be browsed alphabetically. #86
  • Interrupted HTTPS uploads are cleaned up. #66
  • Multiple SSH keys are now accepted. #7
  • Dev depependencies are now listed separately. #65
  • Improved error messages. #60


  • Each jar page now lists project dependencies. #58
  • Improved contact link and documentation.
  • OpenSearch support for Chrome. #53


  • .asc files for PGP signing are now accepted.
  • Uploads are now accepted via HTTPS. #45