In channel datafy, include the chan in meta under :clojure.datafy/obj
In channel datafy, include the chan in meta under :clojure.datafy/obj
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
bump minor version in version template
bump minor version in version template
ASYNC-256: Implemented thread-call, thread, and io-thread in terms of…
ASYNC-256: Implemented thread-call, thread, and io-thread in terms of…
Retain when workload not supplied, defaults to :mixed docstring fragment
Retain when workload not supplied, defaults to :mixed docstring fragment
Retain when workload not supplied, defaults to :mixed docstring fragment
Retain when workload not supplied, defaults to :mixed docstring fragment
must always use the assigned dispatch exec
must always use the assigned dispatch exec
reimplement executor-for to handle special tag and memoize
reimplement executor-for to handle special tag and memoize
pulled ret-to-c and dispatch logic into thread-call
pulled ret-to-c and dispatch logic into thread-call
rewrite thread* in terms of returning-chan, bound-fn
rewrite thread* in terms of returning-chan, bound-fn