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EKS Anywhere Documentation

EKS Documentation lives in this folder. It uses hugo for static site generation with the docsy for a theme.

Local development

To run the local documentation server you can use the provided make targets to create a container with the required dependencies.

make container-build
make container-serve

Open to see the local site. With the serve container running you can now edit the documentation in your git clone and changes will be rebuilt automatically.

To serve documentation more permanently, detach the container from the current shell. One way to do that is to install the tmux package and run:

make container-build
make container-serve
Ctrl-b d

This runs the commands in a tmux session, then detaches it from the current shell. To reopen the tmux session later, type tmux attach.

Public development

If you want to make a version of the docs site you can share with someone else you will need to follow these steps.

  1. Create an Amplify app in your AWS account
  2. Create a "main" branch in your Amplify app
  3. Deploy the app using your $AMPLIFY_APP_ID
export AMPLIFY_APP_ID=$(aws amplify create-app --name eksa-docs --query 'app.appId' --output text)
aws amplify create-branch --app-id $AMPLIFY_APP_ID --branch-name main --stage PRODUCTION
cd docs
make deploy
# Get your docs URL
echo "https://main.$(aws amplify get-app --app-id $AMPLIFY_APP_ID --query 'app.defaultDomain' --output text)"

Production site

The production website is hosted on Amplify. To deploy the docs to a personal amplify app you need to first create an app with a branch. Export your ${AWS_PROFILE}, ${AMPLIFY_APP_ID}, and ${AMPLIFY_APP_BRANCH} (default: main).

Then run

make deploy

It will build the site, create a zip, and deploy it to your Amplify app.

If you want to connect a custom domain you can do that manually in Amplify/Route53 or you can look at the CDK deployment infrastructure.

Website versions

Each website version has a unique subdomain url (eg so users can view different versions of the documentation.