- ~Aachen, Germany
- https://clue.engineering
- @another_clue
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reactphp-s3 Public
Async S3 filesystem API (supporting Amazon S3, Ceph, MiniIO, DigitalOcean Spaces and others), built on top of ReactPHP.
reactphp-utf8 Public
Streaming UTF-8 parser, built on top of ReactPHP
reactphp-ndjson Public
Streaming newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON) parser and encoder for ReactPHP.
reactphp-tsv Public
Streaming TSV (Tab-Separated Values) parser and encoder for ReactPHP.
reactphp-clickhouse Public
Blazing fast access to your ClickHouse database, built on top of @ReactPHP.
graph-composer Public
Dependency graph visualization for composer.json (PHP + Composer)
reactphp-zlib Public
Streaming zlib compressor and decompressor for ReactPHP, supporting compression and decompression of GZIP, ZLIB and raw DEFLATE formats.
reactphp-block Public
Lightweight library that eases using components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.
reactphp-memoize Public
Automatically memoize async function calls by caching function results, built on top of ReactPHP.
reactphp-pq Public
PQ ("peak"), automatically wrap blocking functions in an async child process and turn blocking functions into non-blocking promises, built on top of ReactPHP
confgen Public
Configuration file generator (confgen) – an easy way to generate structured (configuration) files on the fly by processing a Twig template and an arbitrary input data structure.
reactphp-ltsv Public
Streaming LTSV (Labeled Tab-Separated Values) parser and encoder for ReactPHP.
3 UpdatedDec 20, 2021 -
framework-x-placeholder Public
Framework X – the simple and fast micro framework for building reactive web applications that run anywhere.
reactphp-quassel Public
Streaming, event-driven access to your Quassel IRC core, built on top of ReactPHP
reactphp-packagist-api Public
Simple async access to packagist.org's API, like listing project details, number of downloads etc., built on top of ReactPHP.
make.php Public
A GNU Make clone written in pure PHP. Run your Makefiles no matter whether GNU make is available.
qdatastream Public
Lightweight PHP library that allows exchanging binary data with Qt programs (QDataStream)
php-socket-react Public
Binding for raw sockets (ext-sockets) in React PHP
json-stream Public
Simple, lightweight, incremental parser for JSON streaming (concatenated JSON and newline-delimited JSON), in PHP
php-json-query Public
The JSON query language implemented in PHP
php-redis-server Public
A Redis server implementation in pure PHP
commander Public
Finally a sane way to register available commands and arguments and match your command line in PHP
fd Public
Access to low-level file desciptors (FDs) with PHP, provides close(), dup(), open() and family
5 UpdatedJan 10, 2021 -
reactphp-bencode Public
Streaming Bencode (B-encode) protocol parser and encoder for ReactPHP
1 UpdatedOct 11, 2020 -
reactphp-buzz Public
[Deprecated] Simple, async PSR-7 HTTP client for concurrently processing any number of HTTP requests, built on top of ReactPHP.
php-icmp-react Public
Simple async lowlevel ICMP (ping) messaging library built on top of React PHP
docker-json-server Public
JSON Server docker image, REST API mocking based on plain JSON
json-query-language Public
A structured query language for querying / filtering JSON documents, expressed in JSON