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A TreeCode Programming Framework


TermTree is a cross-platform application framework in development (extreme prototype). It is far from being working, so mainly just a collection of packages with API ideas. The long term goal is to now get this working :).

Check out the "Book" for the most up-to-date examples and outlines of how this might end up working.


pnpm add @cluesurf/term -g


TermTree is aimed to be built as a set of APIs, which you can swap out the implementation for (as ones figure out more optimal approaches, like how normal software tools evolve generation after generation). But we will have a default set of implementations to start.

Package Description
case.tree Environment Binding Library. This library will provide all the types for the base native runtimes (JavaScript, Swift, etc.).
base.tree Environment Tooling Library. This will provide the main data types on top of the environment and all the standard functions. This will also include APIs for all the extra interfaces of the environment (cameras, flashlight, etc.).
link.tree Third-Party API Integration Library. This will provide integration with common third-party REST APIs and the like.
feed.tree Data Management Library. This will manage GraphQL/SQL-like querying and manipulation of database records. As well as handling caching, messaging, queueing, logging, etc.. Basically all data transfer.
text.tree Parsing Library. These will be grammars used to parse text into ASTs, and generate text from ASTs.
view.tree View Library. This will be combined 2D and 3D graphics rendering for the web.
make.tree Compiler. This will do typechecking and compile the code to output runtimes. This will also do regular code linting and formatting (like prettier and ESLint). And it will allow for debugging and setting breakpoints, all from within the same AST and compilation scope. Finally, it will contain the runtime module.
deck.tree Package Management Library. This will handle resolving, fetching, and publishing packages.
host.tree Resource Provisioning Framework. This will be like working with terraform modules to deploy and manage infrastructure.
test.tree Testing Library. The framework and tooling to run unit and integration tests.
form.tree Math Definition Library. This will ideally contain models for the foundations of math.
lock.tree Security Framework. All auth and security protocols go here.
site.tree Application Framework. A web application framework like Next.js or Ruby on Rails.
chat.tree Natural Language Library. This will contain tools for working with spoken languages and writing systems.

All of these are wrapped into the singular term.tree library, and you import from that.

Folder Structure

Ignore the key folders in .gitignore:

/.term  # compiled helper folder
/bind   # environment variables
/hold   # temporary folder
/host   # generated content folder
/link   # downloaded packages folder

Here is how a monolithic app might be structured:

/bind # env variables, don't commit
  /work.tree # dev
  /moon.tree # staging
  /star.tree # prod
/hold # scratchpad/tmp folder
  /log # logs
    /work.tree # dev logs
    /test.tree # test logs
/note # guides
  /form # schema
  /line # command line processing
  /back # backend
      /hook # REST and webhook handlers
        /task # handle API calls
      /note # mailers
      /work # jobs
        /time # cron jobs
      /form # schema
        /take # query allowance
      /rule # policies/permissions
  /face # frontend
      /dock # ui components
      /vibe # styles/themes
        /wall # pages
        /text # copy
      /kink # errors
      /file # public directory
        /text # fonts
        /view # images
  /base # database
    /seed # seeding data
    /move # migrations
  /site # infrastructure
    /hold.tree # don't commit this
    /move # migrations
/task # dev helpers
/text # copy

For libraries, you might only have:



The package manager and several other components can possibly be swapped out potentially in the future, each just depends on a small interface.

Package Manager Interface

const deck = new Deck({ home: '.' })

// save global package

// remove global package

// verify global package

// link global package

// install defined packages

// add a package{ link, mark, site })

// remove a package
deck.toss({ link, mark, site })

// verify a deck
deck.test({ link, mark, site })

// link a package{ link, mark, site })

// resolve file link
deck.find({ file, base })

Compiler Interface

class Code {
  make() {

  bind() {
    code.on('file', code.make)

  // load from the entrypoint of the project
  load() {}

  // do type-checking, variable resolution, optimizations, etc..
  mesh() {}

  // do linting and fix up code
  lint() {}

  // make output AST in target language
  make() {}

  // write the AST to string
  text() {}

Output Generator Interface

const host = new Host({ code })

const ts = host.make({ form: 'typescript' })
const rust = host.make({ form: 'rust' })

The output is typed as a standard AST in each language.


  • parse mine/mind files (mint)
    • parse tree-role file types
    • parse chat-talk-link tree
    • convert into json


Copyright 2021-2024 ClueSurf

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


This is being developed by the folks at ClueSurf, a California-based project for helping humanity master information and computation. Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Check out our other GitHub projects as well!