terraform init
terraform plan -out tf.plan
terraform apply ./tf.plan
If the deployment fails with the following message:
"OpenServiceMesh addon is not allowed since feature 'Microsoft.ContainerService/AKS-OpenServiceMesh' is not enabled. Please see https://aka.ms/aks/previews for how to enable features."
Make sure you register the AKS-OpenServiceMesh
feature for your subscription.
az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "AKS-OpenServiceMesh"
Check if the feature is registered:
az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService/AKS-OpenServiceMesh')].{Name:name,State:properties.state}"
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
Once registered refresh the Microsoft.ContainerService
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
And once again check the status:
az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService')].{Name:name,State:properties.state}"
Get the cluster credentials:
az aks get-credentials -g aks-osm -n aks-osm
Check the status of all OSM components:
kubectl get deploy,po,svc -n kube-system --selector app=osm-controller
Check the OSM version:
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system osm-controller -o yaml | grep -i image:
kubectl get meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n kube-system -o yaml
Note the setting: enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode: true
kubectl label ns default openservicemesh.io/monitored-by=osm
This makes OSM check for any changes in the default namespaces but does not enables sidecar injection.
If you also want to enable automatic side-car injection run:
kubectl annotate namespace default openservicemesh.io/sidecar-injection=enabled
kubectl annotate ns default "openservicemesh.io/metrics=enabled"
also in order for Azure Monitor to read the metrics run:
kubectl apply -f ./metrics.configmap.yaml
Run an nginx
server with the openservicemesh.io/sidecar-injection=enabled
so OSM injects the envoy
k run nginx --image nginx --annotations="openservicemesh.io/sidecar-injection=enabled"
k expose po nginx --port 80 --target-port 80
Now also run a buybox
pod with the openservicemesh.io/sidecar-injection=enabled
kubectl run -it --rm busybox --image busybox --annotations="openservicemesh.io/sidecar-injection=enabled" -- sh
In the prompt run:
wget -O- http://nginx
The call was secured via mTLS
| where Name contains "envoy"
| extend t=parse_json(Tags)