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Run Function App with Dapr

dapr run -a functionapp -p 3001 -H 3501 --components-path .\components\ --config .\config.yaml -- func host start


dapr run -a functionapp -p 3001 -H 3501 --components-path .\components\ --config .\config.yaml

func init

dotnet new globaljson --sdk-version 3.1.301

dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Storage

dotnet add package Dapr.AzureFunctions.Extension -v 0.10.0-preview01

func new -l c# -n ReadTwitter

Copy TwitterQueryResponse.cs

Copy components foldeer

[DaprBindingTrigger(BindingName = "twitter")] TwitterQueryResponse twitterResponse,

var content = twitterResponse.FullText; if (content == "") { content = twitterResponse.Text; }

        log.LogInformation($"Received tweet text {content} from {twitterResponse.User.ScreenName}.");

dapr run -a functionapp -p 3001 -H 3501 --components-path .\components\ --config .\config.yaml -- func host start

[DaprState("statestore", Key = "{twitterResponse.IdStr}")] IAsyncCollector state,

var tweet = new Tweet() { Text = content, User = twitterResponse.User.ScreenName };

await state.AddAsync(tweet);

using System.Text.Json;

[DaprPublish(PubSubName = "messagebus", Topic = "feed")] IAsyncCollector tweetEvent,

await tweetEvent.AddAsync(new DaprPubSubEvent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(tweet)));

func new -l c# -n AnalizeTweet

[DaprTopicTrigger("messagebus", Topic = "feed")] CloudEvent @event,

var tweet = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(@event.Data.ToString());

log.LogInformation($"Tweet Content: {tweet.Text}");

dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Authoring

dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.TextAnalytics

[DaprSecret("demosecrets", "cognitiveServicesKey")] IDictionary<string, string> secret,

var credentials = new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(secret["cognitiveServicesKey"]); var client = new TextAnalyticsClient(credentials) { Endpoint = "" };

var tweet = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(@event.Data.ToString());

var result = await client.SentimentAsync(tweet.Text); log.LogInformation($"Sentiment Score: {result.Score:0.00}");

[DaprBinding(BindingName = "sendgrid", Operation = "create")] IAsyncCollector messages,

if (result.Score < 0.3) { await messages.AddAsync(new DaprBindingMessage($"Negative tweet: {tweet.Text} with score {result.Score:0.00}")); }